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Protect Data With Website & Mobile App Penetration Testing

Due to the development of technology, websites, and mobile applications are used almost in every business today. However, with this convenience of having things at one’s fingertips, a hacker can break in and access highly sensitive information. Website and mobile app penetration testing has emerged as an important process in making sure that such information is safe against different threats.

What Is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing, sometimes referred to as ethical hacking involves estimating vulnerabilities of a website and or a mobile application by posing attacks that are legal. The vulnerability tests show that there are areas in a company’s system that can be exploited by hackers, but before such catastrophes can happen in real-life situations, the loophole can be rectified.

Why Is Penetration Testing Important?

Penetration testing helps businesses:

  • Discover potential risks in the web applications and applications installed on portable device
  • Evaluate the general level of security of an application
  • Minimize the chances of being targeted by cybercriminals and having the company’s data stolen.
  • Enhance customer satisfaction to avoid a situation where they are uncomfortable depositing their data with us.
  • Before proceeding it is important to show the types of tests that are conducted for a better understanding of how penetration testing safeguards your data.

Types Of Penetration Testing For Websites And Mobile Apps:

1.) Black Box Testing

Here, the tester has no pre-information about the system and all the parameters that are related to it. This recreates a real-world scenario where the attacker is outside the organization and tries to penetrate your website or mobile application Black box testing is the testing that may discover the loopholes that may not be apparent to teams inside the company.

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2.) White Box Testing

White box testing is done when the testers enjoy full permission to the inner structure and the source code of the application as well as the system’s architecture. Such testing enables coverage of all possible loopholes that a security system can compromise.

3.) Grey Box Testing:

Like both black and white box testing, grey box testing refers to a Testing approach. The tester can only test a part of the system; thus the Student Tester’s ability is limited. Using an oxidation and diffusing approach, this method mimics an internal attack, a condition where the attacker has some level of knowledge about the targeted application, say an employee or a partner.


How Penetration Testing Protects Your Data?

There are several approaches that Penetration testing provides to secure your data against these threats. Here’s how it works:

  1. Identifies Weak Access Controls

It has been observed that weak access control enables unauthorized individuals to get access to some important information. Penetration testing shows potential vulnerabilities in login systems, easy-to-guess passwords, or incorrect permission granted that would allow data leakage.

  1. Detects Vulnerabilities in APIs

When it comes to interconnected web services, most websites and mobile apps use APIs – Application Programming Interfaces. In case they are not safeguarded, APIs offer access to confidential information. The issue of penetration testing helps govern APIs and ensure they are safe from common dangers like injection attacks or unauthorised access.

  1. Exposes Poor Data Encryption Practices

Data encryption has the ability to safeguard your information by maintaining its functionality and making it impossible for other people to comprehend it. However, even here such data can be compromised if the encryption methods used or applied are either poor or faulty. Vulnerability scanning reveals that some systems are not well encrypted and confirms whether data is encrypted when being transferred from one point to another and when it is stored.

  1. Prevents SQL Injection Attacks
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SQL injection is the act of entering a dangerous code into a website’s database. This can open the door to other people who should not have such information as usernames, passwords and financial details. It identifies such weaknesses; hence you are assured your database is optimised for security.

  1. Protects Against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-site scripting is when the attacker introduces malicious scripts into the website viewed by other users. This attack can cause the attacker to obtain user credentials, hijack users’ sessions and even steal data from them. Xss attacks can be prevented via penetration testing to protect user data as specified below.

Advantages Of Penetration Testing For Website And Mobile Applications:

  1. Prevents Financial Loss

Hackers’ breaches result in legal fines, contract losses, customer loss, and efforts to contain the damage. Through achieving these objectives, penetration testing prevents these costly breaches.

  1. Ensures Compliance with Regulations

There are many legal requirements that an organisation has to adhere to, as far as the management of data is concerned, including GDPR and HIPAA. At the same time, penetration testing helps make sure that your website or mobile app meets these legal requirements and does not cost millions in fines and litigation.

  1. Improves User Trust and Reputation

Data consumers know that privacy should be adhered to strictly. In this way, regular pen tests and making the security of the website or a mobile application better give users trust. A secure platform promotes your brand and increases traffic and engagement in your services among consumers.

  1. Continuous Improvement of Security Measures

Penetration testing is not a one-time activity. This way, constantly new risks are discovered and your security strategy is constantly improved.

Steps To Conduct Penetration Testing:

Penetration testing is a systematic process that includes several key steps:

  1. Planning

State the objectives of the test which imply what applications, networks, or systems will be tested. The goals and objectives should therefore be well defined to promote focus.

  1. Reconnaissance
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During this phase, the testers are required to give out some information about the target system. This can be IP addresses, and domain name systems to identify possible points of entry such as system architecture.

  1. Vulnerability Scanning

Testers then employ different tools that help them look for any open and known problems in the system. This step allows having the initial understanding of the weak aspects of the application.

  1. Exploitation

Testers also like to try out the defects as regards the above-mentioned flaws. This produces a realistic attack and ascertains the probable outcome of the exploitable flaws.

  1. Reporting and Fixing

Following the test, an elaborate report is prepared, which analyses the deficiencies identified and provides suggestions on how the problems may be corrected. After that, the problem may be fixed, and the results of a follow-up test can show whether the system is secure again.


Website and mobile app penetration testing is crucial to safeguard your information from cyber criminals. When weaknesses are discovered and rectified before they can be exploited the chances of an attack are minimised, users’ trust is gained and there is compliance with data protection laws. It is crucial to perform a penetration testing routine to build a proper shield for your business, protect it, and save your reputation.

Penetration testing provides a sense of security, giving you relief that your website and mobile app are safeguarded from emerging cyber threats.

Pabitra SahooAbout the Author:

Pabitra Sahoo is a cybersecurity expert and researcher, at Qualysec specializing in penetration testing. He is also an excellent content creator and has published many informative content based on cybersecurity. His content has been appreciated and shared on various platforms including social media and news forums. He is also an influencer and motivator for following the latest cybersecurity practices.

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