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How To Prepare For Class 6 Math Olympiad Exam?

Olympiad exams are conducted to make sure students don’t lag in today’s world of competition. These exams teach students crucial lessons on time management, quick thinking, the accuracy of answers and speed. These are highly relevant for the development of students for future competitive exams. The Maths Olympiad exam for class 6 is no different. There are multiple-choice questions for each topic, as well as correct answers and explanations. With a lot of images and hints, the IMO book for Class 6 is made to look engaging.


The syllabus for Olympiad exams is determined by keeping the board exams in mind. Every chapter in the syllabus is Logical Reasoning or Practical Geometry held equal importance so while preparing for the exams one must not neglect any of the chapters thinking them to be less relevant than others.

Chapter-Wise Complete Syllabus:

  1. Concept of Geometry
  2. Number System
  3. Factors & Multiples
  4. Integers
  5. Decimal Fractions
  6. Ratio & Proportion
  7. Arithmetic
  8. Basic Algebra
  9. Data Handling
  10. Mensuration
  11. Symmetry
  12. Logical Reasoning

This is the complete syllabus for the Maths Olympiad of Class 6 as per the official site. Please refer to the official site for more information on the syllabus. The registration can be done on the official site itself as well. Results and certificates are given away in the same manner. Most schools also take the initiative to register their students for exams and give out results, in that case, please contact the school authorities.


Question Pattern:

Annual Olympiad:

For the Annual Olympiad, students are given forty-five minutes to solve fifty MCQ type questions. It is held twice a year, once in December and another one in February. This Olympiad encourages students to prepare for higher competitive exams by building a strong foundation. Students practice rigorously to ensure good scores which lead to a strong base for further exams like JEE, NEET etc.

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Monthly Olympiad:

These Olympiad exams are conducted online to ensure maximum practice for students attempting both competitive and school exams. It requires students to answer thirty MCQ questions in twenty-five minutes. One can take this exam anytime between 10 am to 6 pm. It is a good way to prepare for the Annual

Olympiad as students who undergo this exam consistently become more accustomed to answering tricky questions in a short time. With improved time management skills, thinking process and speed; they can ensure better scores in the Annual Olympiad.


As previously stated, attempting the Monthly Olympiad regularly can ensure enhancement in skills and knowledge. Students can also practice their skills and knowledge on previous year question papers. There is a wide range of IMO (International Maths Olympiad) books available for practice.

  • IMO Practice Book for Class 6 especially breaks the syllabus and its topics in a suitable manner for a student of class 6 with relevant information. This way the concepts can be grasped easily by the students along with hints, explanations and answer keys given at the end of every chapter. This book is highly recommended for self-assessment and analysis so that one can check on their knowledge and skills in an exam-like environment with the supervision of a teacher or guardian.
  • The IMO Sample paper with the solution can help in providing the right format and practice guide for students. By completing the set of books with the supervision of teachers and guardians, students can gain better knowledge and improve their thinking capacity, speed and time management.
  • In the present world of the internet, there are various online assessment and training options available other than the Monthly Olympiad sessions. Various tech companies are offering mock tests, training and practice sessions for students attempting Olympiad exams. There are even certain websites solely dedicated to preparation for Olympiad exams.
  • Only by undergoing training sessions, taking mock tests and practising tests regularly and devotedly can one ensure good scores for the Olympiads. There are no shortcuts to this, one must work hard to enhance their thinking capacity, speed and time management skills and ability to think clearly in the moment of pressure.
  • Most students have a strong base in Maths, yet fail to score good marks because they ran out of time or they couldn’t think straight while paying attention to the short span of time. Being able to think clearly while having the time pressure on the head is an ability one must master in order to score well in competitive exams. This ability is not only required for the Olympiad but also in future exams like JEE, NEET, Advanced JEE etc.
  • These are highly beneficial for the students in the long run. You may opt for all the options that seem relevant but be sure not to pressurise the student too much. Keeping good mental health results in calm thinking can benefit in the moment of pressure. While Olympiad Exams are to ensure better preparation for higher competitive exams, these should not be seen as an assessment, rather practice and skill enhancement opportunities for the future.
  • By taking the Olympiad Exams regularly and keeping up the hard work of the preparations for these exams, students build a strong foundation and understanding of Maths, they need to crack the future competitive exams. It also accustoms the students to think clearly and quickly under time pressure and answer tricky questions. It can also improve students’ confidence in themselves.
  • The more questions students are able to attempt well, the more they score, the better they feel about their knowledge and this satisfaction of being able to answer questions also leads and encourages
  • Them to prepare more rigorously. They find their joy in attempting these exams which prepare them for their later, more tough and tricky exams. This is the reason why teachers often urge their
  • Students to take Olympiad Exams so that they can ensure that their students have a bright future, good knowledge, a strong base and most importantly clarity of thinking.
  • To solve problems, you must first comprehend the scientific phenomena that underpin them. Try reading and comprehending the stuff completely.
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