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Tips For Upgrading Your Small Business Tech

In today’s extremely tough business landscape, every company needs whatever edge it can obtain to survive. One way you can develop a competitive edge is through the adoption of technology. Unfortunately, many small business owners really do have a small amount of space to work with. Upgrading your tech when you don’t have much space can be a challenge. Below are some tips that can help.

Purchase A Smart Credit Card Reader:

One thing that can certainly take up a lot of space is a bulky POS, or point of sale, system. However, there is new tech you can use for the same purpose that can save a lot of space and money at the same time. One possibility is to invest in a smart credit card reader. This reader can actually be attached to a mobile device like a tablet or a smartphone through a USB plug-in. You’ll be able to take payment for goods and services with far less space being sacrificed to do so.

Buy An All-In-One Printer, Copy Machine, Fax Machine:

Traditionally, offices used different devices for printing, copying, and sending faxes. It’s no longer the 1980’s. Instead, you can consolidate all three of these into a single device to save a good deal of space. All-in-one devices can print, copy, scan, send faxes, and be operated through wireless internet connections.


Outsource Hosting For Your Business:

Maintaining a data center requires a lot of space. It also requires temperature control and security to protect those machines containing sensitive business data. Local servers are also, of course, at risk of being damaged by things like lightning and power surges. You don’t, however, have to actually maintain all this hardware and infrastructure in-house. Instead, outsource to a company that provides IT hosting for businesses. You will be able to find a solution tailored to your own needs that will ensure that all your data is stored and protected offsite.

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Rely On The Cloud:

Pretty much any kind of software can now be hosted in the cloud. The cloud allows you to access software from third-party vendors directly through the internet. The software in question does not need to be installed locally. This means you can do without much of the space using computer hardware that was once required to use office software and other important applications.

All small businesses need to make investments into technology to compete in today’s fast-paced business environment. Thankfully, there are plenty of benefits to upgrading your tech. Newer technology is often designed to save space to increase business efficiency. The options listed above are only a starting point for new tech that can free up space for your small business.

Anita GinsburgAbout the Author:

Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University and now enjoys writing about health, business, and family. A mother of two wonderful children, she loves traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. She recommends getting IT hosting for businesses.

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