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Evaluate Your Keyword Worth Against These Standards

A keyword analysis is an essential step to evaluate your content’s performance on the search engine. By knowing the version of your keyword, you can manage it according to the needs to draw organic traffic to your website. Evaluating the keyword’s quality helps with the enhanced conversion rates, optimizes speed, finds new marketers, and beats the competition. However, it requires significant effort and time-consuming examination.

However, do not worry. We have built a particular set of standards to evaluate your keywords for better performance. This article will share these universal standards and some smart tricks to increase your site’s traffic. Remember reading until the very end and compare your keywords according to this criterion for mind-blowing results.

Standards To Evaluate Your Keywords:

There are multiple standards against which you can evaluate your keyword. These standards will help you determine the worth of your keyword on the search engine. Moreover, how much traffic they will drag with them on your platform. So, evaluate critically against all of these standards.

Keyword Difficulty:

Keyword difficulty is the most critical parameter you should consider for evaluating your keyword’s health for SEO. It determines how difficult it is for your keyword to rank in the myriad of competitors. The higher is the value, the harder it will be to compete with the others. The keyword difficulty level will help you determine which keyword to target.

You do not need to target high competition keywords; otherwise, it will be challenging to find your place among SEO experts’ tycoons. The same goes for extremely low difficulty level keywords that no one likes to visit, or the traffic is too low to invest your efforts into something like this.

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So, now the question arises of how you should determine the difficulty of your keyword? There are multiple online tools available. They aim at making the process a lot easier and simpler with its user-friendly features. You can use this tool to check keyword difficulty and determine which keyword is best. Know it’s worth do some modification, and that’s all to start with.

Keyword Frequency:

Keyword frequency is how often the keyword appears on a webpage in a single piece of content. A few years back, Google tries to determine the most relevant content with the frequency of the keyword in it. So, the content writers ended up stuffing keywords in every paragraph and line. The content thus formed was less useful for visitors and was more packed with repeating phrases and keywords.

However, considering user experience, Google revised its policy and evaluated the quality of the information provided on the webpage as another standard for ranking. Moreover, it started marking keyword-stuffed content as spam and also flag it in the title “keyword stuffing.” Now the game comes about using keywords in less frequency and wisely.

There are many debates among the SEO experts about the keyword frequency for best search engine optimization. For having an ideal situation, most experts agree on the use of keywords after every 200 words. It means using the keyword once in 200 words. Regardless of this, the readability of the content is still the top preference.


Cost Per Click For The Keyword Of An Ad:

Cost per click is another parameter for which you need to analyze your keyword. It means the number of dollars you will pay for each click you get in your marketing campaign. It is like you want specific people to click the link you wish to and invest to gain their attention. Every time they click the link for you, you will pay them. In other words, it is the attention of someone to the things you are offering. As an advertiser, your main aim is to seek attention.

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It would help if you were very frugal to work on the targeted budget for cost per click. Evaluate the cost per click of every keyword you are going to use. Go for the keywords whose price is less or equal to your highest bid. In a specified time frame, there is always a range of average proposals between the competitors. It would help if you didn’t want to increase that to make your campaign less effective.

Your campaign’s result and effectiveness lie in the amount you pay and the quality they bring to your platform. So, always be very cautious in evaluating your keyword in terms of cost per click. It would help if you considered both the value and the price for that. Always target those who are not only inexpensive but also valuable.

Moreover, even if you are not running a paid campaign for your marketing, this data is still beneficial. It will help you know the level of real competition around that keyword. The higher the price, the more companies get attracted to the keyword.

Keyword Trend:

Search keyword trend helps the search engine connect to real-world matters, places, and things. In this way, their Algorithm can bring together on the top list the topics in spike those days. For example, with its Knowledge Graph, Google analyzes the search volumes on Google Search, Google News, and YouTube. It then categorizes all the relevant information under hot topics or top activity. Google will then rank the content on all the three platforms based on their relevancy to the spike’s keyword.

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Now you know how much you need to stay updated and work on the most needed keywords these days. Also, always check for keyword frequency trends for a real popular keyword. You need to check if the people have stopped using it and how many searches it is driving. The keyword that has lost its worth among the competitors brings no good. Note that neither the keyword trend data nor the keyword frequency data is determined by the searches of a few people or a group of people doing duplicate searches. Use an online tool to determine this data so you can tailor your keyword according to needs while staying most updated on the page!


Your keywords are the candles that guide the people towards your web content via the search engine. These are some of the essential elements of search engine optimization. It will not be an exaggeration to quote that all the other SEO strategies automatically fail without selecting the right keyword. To help you determine the quality of the keyword, we provided you with a set of standards. Compare your proposed keywords against these standards. The best option is not to hit the top but stay optimum for the best results. Remember, it may be a little hectic or time-consuming, but it’s worth it!

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2 Responses to “Evaluate Your Keyword Worth Against These Standards”

  1. Pooja Lega says:

    A very nice informatory content on Blogger SEO. Exactly what I was looking out for. Thank You.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

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