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AI Understanding That Can Improve Your Company’s Data Organization

Artificial intelligence, otherwise known as AI, has already revolutionized the way major sectors of the economy function and the drastic changes are only just beginning. AI can improve all aspects of business operations, not the least of which being data management, and it’s potential is nearly limitless. Here are some of the top ways that AI can improve your company’s data organization.

Data Extraction:

One of the more tedious aspects of any economic activity is the drudgery of form-filling, form-processing, and form-reading. AI can substantially reduce the tedium that employees are subjected to—freeing them up to do more productive tasks for the company—by automatically reading and entering forms on behalf of a company.

Entity Extraction:

Like data extraction with forms and other documents, entity extraction refers to the reading of the text by AI to analyze the information presented. The AI is then able to identify people, organizations, businesses, governments, dates, locations, and other relevant information. It can use the extracted entities to correctly categorize and file articles, company missives, and other textually based information. Again, this time-saving capability frees employees to engage in more creative, more enjoyable, and more fruitful work on behalf of the company.


Automatic, Authentic-Sounding Communication With Clients

Answering every client or customer email one-by-one may be a task of the past that AI is now capable of taking over. In addition to interpreting the written text to identify the meaning, AI can respond to customer inquiries in real-time using natural, flowing language reminiscent of an actual human employee.

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Many firms are already employing either beta-types or fully functional versions of AI consumer interfaces. This sector of the AI market is called “cognitive engagement.”

Cybersecurity Enhancement:

Combatting the barrage of attempted online attacks from hackers is a full-time job for many IT departments. A substantial portion of time on this issue is spent sifting through the potential threats to determine which pose a genuine risk to the company and which can be safely ignored.

AI can help with that. Machine-learning is capable of lightning-fast, deep analysis of emerging threats and then recommending action based on the risk that they pose.

The ways in which AI will go on to change business operations in the future are too numerous to include in a single list. With emerging technology, the business world is evolving at breakneck speed. At this point, AI experts are just getting going, so society likely has yet to see the full impact AI advancements will have on business.

Anita GinsburgAbout the Author:

Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University and now enjoys writing about health, business, and family. A mother of two wonderful children, she loves traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. She recommends looking into entity extraction and other data management processes to see how AI could improve your business operations.

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