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What Makes Solar Panels A Great Choice For Your Home Or Business?

El Paso, Texas, lies in the heart of the Chihuahuan Desert. This means that it enjoys about 300 days of sunshine and 83% of daylight hours. You couldn’t ask for a better set up for solar panels. El Paso solar panels have become even more popular with the El Paso Electric (EPE) offering net metering to those who opt for solar energy for their homes.

Here are the reasons why solar panels should be the preferred energy solution for your home:

It’s Environment-Friendly:

With the alarming rate at which environmental concerns have been rising, solar panels offer a great way to reduce our carbon footprint. Solar is a natural, non-fossil energy source that does not emit any greenhouse gases. It uses natural sunlight, which is available freely in abundance in El Paso.

Reduce Energy Bills:

Since El Paso receives 3715 hours of sunlight every year, solar panels are the obvious choice for saving on energy bills. Most of the residents can generate enough to keep their bills to a minimum. Some properties make more solar power than they can use, and they trade it with the electric company for credits.


Savings Start From Day One:

With solar panel installation, your energy savings start from the day of installation. You can begin to harness sunlight immediately and use that electricity and save on the power that you use from your electric company.

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In case you have excess electricity generated from the solar panel, then you also have the benefit of sending it to the grid and getting a 1 to 1 credit for it.

Gives You The Benefit Of Net Metering:

The EPE has been offering the benefit of net metering to its customers since 2011. So, at the end of each billing cycle, you will receive a credit for the net excess generation. If the amount of credit is more than $50, then they will send you a refund check.

The EPE will install a bi-directional meter that measures the amount of electricity sent by the solar panel to the EPE grid. It also measures the amount of non-solar power used by the household. The net of this is the credit you receive in your next bill.

30% Federal Solar Tax Credit:

Those who purchase qualified solar electric property in El Paso receive a tax benefit of 30% on the cost of the property. Usually, this rebate in taxes pays for about half the value of the solar panel installation.

El Paso homes, having solar panels installed anywhere on the property, qualify for a solar tax credit. Due to advancements in technology, El Paso solar panels are now being designed to fit right into the roof without marring the aesthetic appeal of the house. So, you can save on your power consumption without damaging the look of your home.

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There has never been a better time to go solar in El Paso than now. With Federal tax cuts, net metering, and environmental benefits, solar panels are among the fastest-selling items in El Paso, Texas. Your solar panel will pay for itself within a decade. So, if you are considering going solar, don’t wait.

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