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Top 5 Free Online EXCEL-CSV To SQL Converter

Check out Free tool collection of tools to convert the data in CVS format to SQL queries. They take CSV input as table and make rows and columns. There are options to convert it as Insert or Update or Delete queries. Options to browse and load the input .csv file and download the output query file are also provided.


Convert large CSV or Excel spreadsheets into vendor specific SQL tables. C2S defines a optimized database table schema for you and converts the spreadsheet into a SQL import file, ready to be imported into the SQL database server of your choice. Saves you time and headache!

1.) Convert CSV to SQL:

What can this tool do?

  • INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE, and SELECT statements can be created.
  • The key used in UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE is specified by setting the key column.
  • Now it is easy to merge csv into a database table by using the new Generate MERGE feature.
  • A field value may be trimmed, made uppercase, or lowercase. You can add custom text around the field value by using the template feature. For example, if you are using Oracle and want to convert a field in YYYYMMDD format to DATE, use TO_DATE({f},’YYYYMMDD’). Likewise for Sql Server, use CAST({f} AS DATETIME). The field value will be substituted for {f}.
  • Current version supports some database specific output and support ORACLE, MYSQL, SQL SERVER, PostreSQL and ANSI SQL databases. There are slight variations in the way different databases handle NULLs, empty strings, DATES, etc. .
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2.) Sqlizer:

SQLizer lets you easily and securely convert Excel, JSON, CSV and other files into SQL databases with table definitions and multiple INSERT statements. We’re free for non-commercial use on files with under 5000 rows of data and our paid plans enable you to use our powerful API to build data pipelines that handle billions of rows a day.

3.) Excel To SQL Converter:

Excel To SQL Converter. Convert excel to SQL using Excel To SQL Converter. Click browse for an excel file and convert its data to insert, update and delete SQL Queries.

4.) CSV to SQL Converter:

Free tool to convert the data in CVS format to SQL queries. The first line of the CSV input is taken as table columns. There are options to convert it as Insert or Update or Delete queries. Options to browse and load the input .csv file and download the output query file are also provided.

5.) Online CSV to SQL Converter:

This tool provides an easy way to convert CSV files to SQL to be inserted into a database. Simply upload your CSV file and the resulting page will display the INSERT / UPDATE statements to turn the CSV file into records in a database table! The result also filters out high-ascii MS Word/Excel characters and makes them safe to insert into a MySql database.

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This is a very simple Excel to SQL converter, where you can easily convert Excel tables into an SQL file. In order to create a valid SQL file, you have to create an Excel file like the example. Next to that, you only have to write down the table name, determine if you want to insert new records or want to update existing ones, and of course upload the Excel file. You will immediately receive an SQL file in return.

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