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Use Instagram Analytics To Know What Exactly Those Visitors Are Doing At Your Site

Having a plethora of visitors to your website may not do any good to your business if they are not translated into sales. You must know what exactly those visitors are doing after visiting your site and find ways to convert them into probable sales. You can do this with a combination of a specialized traceable link and a special landing page. There are several benefits you can enjoy through this effort apart from knowing the number of real Instagram likes.

  • This will help you to understand what the visitors are doing
  • How many came from Instagram
  • Help you to see the time they stayed on your website and on any given page
  • Whether they took any steps after visiting your site and
  • Which links attracted and engaged them the most.

All these feedbacks will help you to track the rate of engagement of the visitors along with their behavior pattern. You will also be able to know the bounce rate. This is calculated by the percentage of people clicked on a page to enter your site and left it from there instantly without getting engaged with any other page or the content of the site.

Table of Contents

Now About Sales:

The information that you gather will help you a lot to use different tools on Instagram such as a Like4Like app to get a hint about the first experience of the viewer and how engaging it was for the customers.

On the other hand, you will be able to analyze the interest of people on your website quickly. You will learn how effective your offerings were and whether or not the customers were interested in learning more about such offerings. You will also know whether or not they were interested in collecting email for webinar signup or a newsletter.

These offers are very useful if you want to sell something that is comparatively low-ticket. When you divide the number of times the offer was used by the total number of customers visiting your account will give you the simple and upfront conversion rate.


Using The Insights:

You can use the insights gained from this process for better analysis in the simple method as follows:

  • Use the insights to work backward to help you polish the sales funnel
  • Create a more engaging business profile and Instagram bio if you find fewer people are visiting your website than you expected and
  • Make the exciting offer so that more people click on it.
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The most important thing is to rework on your landing to optimize user visits and prevent them from leaving your site early. This will encourage them to go to any other page on your website and allow them to spend a lot of time viewing it.

You must polish your sales message to get an increased number of free instagram likes as well as convert them into paying customers. This way you will be able to focus and address their hesitation, make matters more straightforward and simplify your sales funnel for better results.

Karen AnthonyAbout the Author:

Karen Anthony is a Business Tech Analyst. She is very responsible towards her job. She spread the knowledge of real Instagram likes.  She loves to share her knowledge and experience with her friends and colleagues.

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