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Latest Optimizing Ideas For Your Blog

In the world of tech, the trick is to learn to adapt quickly and apply new content strategies to optimise your blog. As with all technology related work today the sooner you start implementing these new techniques, the more competitive you will stay.

For many uninitiated bloggers, it is a very steep learning curve. At the beginning even just getting positive reviews and published regularly can feel like an uphill battle in itself, and after a while, the realisation dawns on where you have been going wrong from day one and some other factors you didn’t consider that you have not touched upon at all.

SEO Search Engine Optimization increases credibility and traffic to websites and lends credibility in the eyes of your readers.  This has a domino effect on user experience (UX) leading to higher engagement rates and CTR, conversions and so on.

Identifying And Understanding Your Niche:

Be confident but not overconfident that you understand your audience, never stop asking questions, keep an open perspective on what they want, the more information you can gather and process, the easier it will become to refine your content to find and keep your ideal readers and customers,

An easy to remember, catchy domain name always helps and make sure it’s easy to spell, this is advantageous when it comes to optimisation of your blog.

Wherever possible without overloading your content try to use as many keywords that are related to your domain, as this will help, but ensure that titles and taglines pertaining to your niche are as evident as they can be.

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Here are some areas for you to concentrate on when looking to offer informative and problem-solving content for your audience, which will form the spine of your blog content.

Challenge yourself to think about what kind of info tags could be used describing the content of each category?

What strategy am I going to use for my back linking to connect to higher ranking authority websites?

And most importantly don’t forget your persona, this represents you, and that will garner your following and keep them long-term.

Research Keywords When Applying SEO:

Once you are confident in your niche, the next phase is critical – KEYWORD RESEARCH.

  • What are your readers looking for?
  • What answer to what questions are they seeking?
  • Armed with this kind of information is when you go to work on creating blog posts that adhere to your niche.
  • Forget about single words; they are not enough.
  • Instead of using ‘Jackets’ use for example ‘Stylish men’s casual jackets’ this can create a category that has underlying related posts that become grouped under.


Using WordPress:

The SEO Yoast plugin is a handy tool if you are using WordPress, it makes writing valuable posts effortless. It is an easy-to-follow plugin and has a focus on keywords and content strategy to help you along the way

Optimizing Your Blog Posts:

Search engines love more extended content with regards to blog posts, however, don’t get ahead of yourself thinking each posts content has to be in excess of 2000 words, especially if you are looking to publish on a regular basis.

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Your defining quality is being informative, and this is the key.  Even if this means that you post less due to the extra detail, required research and citation to pump out such a blog it will benefit you in optimizing. What you are looking to achieve is to create debate, discussion, interest and connection with your readers regardless of how often you post, this is where your persona comes into play.

Remember as time goes by it becomes more natural and more relaxed to be able to churn optimized blogs out.  The application of keywords linking to high authority sites, being backed up by recent and credible citations will start to flow, linking up with internal posts too will become water off a ducks back.


Paying attention to URL’s is an essential factor. My advice is to keep keyword nouns and verbs while trying to minimise prepositions and articles.  Ensure there are call to actions (CTR’s) and link them in, but don’t make the classic mistake of just having one at the end of a piece, add them in at the start, middle and end, you may find your readers are so engaged they don’t even finish reading before clicking, pushing your CTR up and up (another very beneficial trait). Also, pay close attention to imagery, this current generation is a very visual-based one be sure that they contain

Developing Authority:

Google does not differ from your readers – AUTHORITY MATTERS.

If your posts are not hitting the mark, then you are wasting your time.  There’s a simple formula I have which will stick in your mind. I call it the four V’s:

  • Volume
  • Velocity
  • Variety
  • Veracity
  • Volume is crucial, the more post you publish on a particular subject, the better it is for you.
  • Velocity represents that you are regular. So weekly will count for more than monthly and so on.
  • Variety is not only the spice of life; it’s the spice of your niche.
  • Veracity, this is where you grab your readers by the throat and get them sharing and discussing, engage them, and challenge them.
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Organizing And Implementing A Calendar:

Keep a close eye on new and innovative trends relating to your keywords and niche. An editorial calendar is a great idea to assist you to in posts tailored to anything current and delivered promptly.

Keeping a calendar on a spreadsheet is a smart place of point for accessing post titles and scheduling these for sharing on a variety of social media sites.


Rhythm is something that doesn’t come overnight, good practices will become more comfortable as time goes by, this applies to content strategy and optimisation of your blog, but it’s worth the effort and is time well spent. As with all things in life, it gets easier with time and practice, so keep going.

Sandy BenningtonAbout the Author:

Sandy Bennington is an experienced tech blogger with an interest in business affairs, she loves eating out and is quite decent in the kitchen herself.  She is associated with SEO Company Kuwait who specialize in SEO and Digital Marketing Services.

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2 Responses to “Latest Optimizing Ideas For Your Blog”

  1. Thank you, this really helped me improve the quality of my web.

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