You are probably taking the necessary steps to make proper use of SMS marketing when comes to selling your brand products.It is the ideal way for you to reach out to your target audience regardless of where they are. If this is not the case, you could be losing out to your competitors in the market. This is certainly something you don’t want. Research shows that in recent years approximately 60% of the world’s population owns a smartphone. It means if your customers have such a device, they can receive your promotional messages. Experts say it is the best way of engaging your customers with your marketing campaigns. You will notice the effect of this on your bottom-line profits.
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Why Is SMS Marketing So Popular Among Entrepreneurs?
Such professionals go on to explain that research shows people read almost 98% of all their text messages. Moreover, they do so within the first 3 seconds of receiving such information. Only then do they decide whether to respond or not. You cannot expect this level of engagement if you opt for other advertising modes including email marketing. The open-rate in the case of electronic mails (emails) hardly exceeds 30% in the best-case scenarios. This makes it worthwhile to invest in relevant SMS marketing strategies. You can expect more than your money’s worth in the long-run. This is a fact which you cannot afford to ignore at costs.
Top SMS Marketing Tips All Entrepreneurs Should Be Aware Of
You got to realize that your customers will read the promotional messages to send them via SMS marketing. However, this does not guarantee the sales of your organization will witness a significant increase in sales. To achieve this, you need to be aware of which strategies to use. You also need to knowhow to implement themin your organization. Only then can you get the results you want. Experts say you should keep in mind the followingsix important tips when launching aneffective SMS marketing campaign:
Keep Your Messages Short And To The Point
When launching an SMS marketing campaign for your target audience, don’t use flowery language. You are not going to achieve your objective. Most of your customers won’t have the time to read such information. You have got to be precise in what you want to tell them. This will give them the impression that you are a serious entrepreneur who is selling them a high-quality product. In all likelihood, you could end up making a sale.
Avoid Overcramming Your Messages
Overcramming your promotional messages can be counterproductive. You should limit what you want to tell your target audience during a sales pitchto not more than 160 characters. This will ensure a positive response from them. Moreover, you should not offer different discounts every time you send a message. This will only confuse them. Provide only one offer on the text messages you send them. The others you can include campaigns on other advertisement channels including social media.
Impose A Time Limit On The Marketing Campaign You Launch
Professionals from esteemed companies like SimpleTexting say you should never launch marketing campaigns without an expiry date. It is just a waste of time and resources. There is a very low probability that you canachieve the type of results you are looking for. This because the response from your target audience is likely to be low.Your customers may read such promotional messages and forget about them after some time. You need to insert a time pressure to encourage such people to make up their minds whether to respond. Only then will you be in a position to monitor the success or failure of such campaigns. The number of sales conversions you receive will determine this result.
Ensure Your Promotional Messages Are Actionable
You need to ensure all your promotional messages in your marketing campaign have a ‘call-to-action.’ This is more effective in attracting the attention of your target audience than using long sentences. In all likelihood, such customers will respond positively to such information. You will also end up making a sale. Don’t forget to insert words such as ‘Avail’ or ‘Purchase’ in your messages to ensure the success of your campaign.
Timing Is Essential
Most people do not make an effort to read their email messagesregularly. Such information generally stays in the inbox of their accounts for days before they bother opening them. In most cases, they end up in their spam folder for some reason or the other. However, this is not the case with text messages on their smartphones. Such individuals make a contentious effort to read them as soon as they receive them. Your customers fall under the same category. This is why you need to ensure the timing of your promotional messages correctly. Only then can you expect a positive response from your target audience.
Ensure Your Messages Are Personal
Most people do not pick phone numbers they don’t recognize on their smartphones. They do the same for text messages. You cannot blame them for doing this because security is an issue. This is why you should mention the name of your organization in all the promotional messages you sent to your target audience. This ensures you are able to get their attention. You can even go to the extended address such individuals by their first names. It makes the marketing campaign look personal
SMS marketing is an effective way for you to reach out to your target audience. No other advertising channel can match its potential and depth. Not even social media and internet marketing.You just need to look at its open-rate to know it is ideal for promoting your business among such customers. You can easily achieve the type of results you are looking for. However, you need to know how to use the relevant strategies properly. This can help you gain the competitive edge in the market. The above six essential tips should give you an idea of how to do this.
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