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7 Important Web Design Best Practices And Tips

In today’s information age, almost everything can and is carried out on the internet, which is why any new company is going to want to have a website. Having a Facebook page, Instagram and/or twitter account to market your business are good, but they aren’t enough, as there are far more opportunities to be made from having your very own website.

Your website becomes the focal point of your business, at least from a marketing perspective, as it provides you with the opportunity to connect and engage with your potential clients. It’s also the ideal method of showcasing what your company has to offer, rather than relying exclusively on social media to do the same thing. If you’ve considered creating a website for your business, then you’ve come to the right article.

This article will outline 7 of the most important web design practices that you should already now. There are several standards that web designers follow and you’ll want to be aware of them all, so continue reading for that information.

Table of Contents

1.) Simple Design:

Your website is a representation of your company and its brand. So you want to go with a design that is clean and eye-catching, especially on the front page. There are many pre-made designs and templates that you could go with that will work, but something unique will likely work better. There’s a strong chance that you’ll choose a template that thousands of other websites already use. But you want to go with a unique, fresh look for your site, so that you can create a good first impression with your potential clients. Try not to have too much things going on, on your page as it can overwhelm the viewer, make sure it’s simple, direct, yet engaging, with all of the most important information about your company and product/services highlighted.

2.) Showcase Your Services And Products:

Whether you’re selling a service or a product, you want to ensure it’s clearly showcased on the homepage of your site. I’ve seen tons of websites for small businesses that have failed to do just that; properly showcase exactly what they are selling or offering to the end user. You also don’t want to showcase too much services and products on a single page.

You have only a matter of seconds to create a great first impression, so make sure you put in the time and effort to do that.

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3.) Fast Page Loading:

The time that it takes for a page to load, has a considerable impact on conversions, after all, people can be rather impatient when navigating through the web, with most end users only reading around 30% of everything they see on a website. You want to pay close attention to bandwidth to ensure that there is enough for your website to load up super quick, especially if you have a website that has a lot of media files on it, such as videos and graphics. Consider choosing a good website host, as it will have a huge impact on the overall performance of your site.


4.) Mobile Ready Site:

The vast majority of people today use their smart devices for daily tasks. Thus, you want to ensure that your website design is also mobile friendly, that way you can engage customers no matter where they are and how they access your site.

5.) Make It Accessible:

want both your site navigation and design to be consistent all across the website. Pay close attention to things like load times due to slower internet connections, or customers who suffer from colour blindness, as all of these things could adversely affect the performance of your website. So take some time to consider both the disadvantages and disabilities that your visitors could have and how you could make life easier for them on your website.

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6.) Use A Memorable URL:

You want to use a URL that matches your business or brand. You want it memorable so that people can access your site directly by putting its address into their browser. If you’re unable to acquire the domain of your choosing, then you should at the very least go with a domain that complements your company service/product.

7.) Optimise For SEO And SEM:

Search Engine Optimisation and Search Engine Marketing will take a considerable amount of time for you to learn and analyse, but they are definitely worth it as they will provide you with those much needed marketing advantages. There are hundreds, even thousands of articles that address SEM and SEO, and it’s worth your time, learning about them, and learning about how you can take advantage of them for your business.

Uchenna Ani-OkoyeAbout the Author:

Uchenna Ani-Okoye is a former IT Manager who now runs his own computer support website

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2 Responses to “7 Important Web Design Best Practices And Tips”

  1. taylority says:

    Your article is so informative and good and these tips is best practices for web designing thanks for sharing.

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