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Digital Marketing For Drug Rehabilitation Facilities

Drug rehabilitation facilities provide a needed service to a specific audience—those who are struggling with substance abuse issues. Staff in charge of running a rehab facility may shy away from marketing, believing that, to do so, they are taking advantage of desperate individuals and families.

Yet, how else will they get the word out about their facility? They want to point out exactly where their rehab offers more of the services needed by those who are addicted to substances, suffer from mental illnesses or even both.

Begin With SEO:

Effective SEO (search engine optimization) allows drug rehab facilities to ensure that their company’s website lands at the top of the first page of search engine pages, such as Google. Effective rehab marketing demands skillful use of SEO so the search result doesn’t land somewhere on page five of the search.

As a marketing strategy, SEO is one of the most important priorities. This is how the marketing office of every drug rehab facility will ensure that their agency is the one that people will see first. If the marketing office isn’t sure how to begin, several internet marketing firms, such as Stodzy Internet Marketing, can offer guidance.

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Don’t Forget About Social Media:

Social media means Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and Snapchat. Each website allows drug rehabilitation facilities to expand their reach to individuals and families seeking inpatient or outpatient treatment.

On average, a person spends about five hours online daily. Two hours a day may be devoted to browsing social media accounts. Not only are people logged into their social media accounts on their computers—more often than not, they are also logged in on their smartphones.

This represents one marketing opportunity for drug rehabilitation facilities. If they create their own social media pages, they can reach out to people looking for treatment options.

Once alumni have completed treatment, they can stay in touch via their social media accounts. By doing so, they are more likely to experience success in staying away from their substances of choice.

In addition, the drug treatment facility can paste links to their blogs, websites, invite alumni to events or guide them to community resources.

Facebook’s ad program is yet another opportunity for facilities to get their name and agency out there.


Write Excellent Content That Draws In The Clientele:

A presence on social media is one important facet of marketing. Another is developing effective content—articles that inform, educate and get people to think about what they need in a treatment facility.

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Another advantage of creating and maintaining a blog is that the company is more able to develop leads to people searching for treatment options.

Articles should be informational, talking about treatment, what substance abuse looks like, how families can help their loved ones, therapeutic modalities offered by the facility, up-to-date addiction research and even recovery tools.

Create And Maintain A Blog:

The articles on a facility’s website can be posted on the site’s blog. When someone is looking for treatment, they may come across the facility’s blog and begin reading the articles. The facility is, in this moment, marketing to this one person, who is now giving serious thought to using it for needed treatment.

The drug treatment facility that writes several articles finds it easier to bring more potential customer traffic to its website. And, if the articles are well-written and researched, site visitors are more likely to take the facility more seriously.

When a treatment facility begins to use its blog and posted content as a branding tool, this is yet another marketing opportunity. Also, by adding the facility’s specific treatment services, then thought is more likely to become action for someone actively looking for a facility.

Invest In PPC:

“PPC” simply means “pay-per-click,” which is Google’s ad campaign for businesses. Each campaign is highly targeted, which is an advantage for a treatment facility looking to individualize itself from every other facility in the state or region.

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An effective PPC campaign develops specific keywords related to the facility’s services. Choosing and using the right keywords means the facility will appear higher in search rankings—which means more eyes on the website and social media pages.

The Importance Of Internet Marketing:

Effective internet marketing is the most necessary task a rehab facility should begin and complete. It’s an ongoing endeavor, being tweaked, adjusted and assessed frequently. Without internet marketing, facilities won’t draw clients in for needed care.

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