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Why Is SEO The King Of All Business Strategies?

Most entrepreneurs and marketers have the same questions – can SEO bring us money? The answer depends on what you are doing as a part of your search engine optimization process. There have been many discussions about search engine marketing and the effects of SEO on a business revenue. While some companies are sure that SEO costs big bucks, others hail it as a sales and profit magnet.

Does SEO Increase Business?

All concerns and ideas ultimately boil down to this. Either SEO makes money, or it does not. There is no in between. Now, for any online business, SEO translates to search engine friendly online presence and websites that your buyers can easily find. The rest depends on your take on optimization. You will never find ONE book on search engine optimization that fits all bills. The services your website needs now, your competitors may require two months later. So going on a limb and throwing in a couple of high-volume keyword in your post titles and meta descriptions will not do you much good.

Do You Want Business Leads?

In retrospect, who does not need business leads? We all want valuable sales leads; we may be a little shy to say so overtly. Your SEO plan can boost your site’s lead generation capacity. The instrument here is keywords.

You may be selling makeup online. While it is true, the word “makeup” will generate many hits from all over the world. However, say you are working out of Sioux Fallsonly. So using a targeted keyword like “makeup Sioux Falls” will help you capture a more focused audience. They will be in your locality, and they will probably be interested in buying your products too.

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This is local SEO Sioux Falls, and you should seek the help of experts to optimize your online presence for local business. Start with claiming your business on Google Maps and Google My Business page. Add Your correct Name, Address and Phone number (NAP) to all your business pages, including those on social networking sites.

What Is Your Traffic Trend?

We have seen hundreds of websites with high traffic during peak hours, but at least 97% of the traffic does not convert. You must take this one factor into concern before you go around asking about SEO related profits.

First, sing up with Google Analytics or use the Moz toolsets to find out the quantity of traffic you are getting. Then work out their dwell time and bounce rate. Next, see which pages contribute to the most amount of bounce rate. Page analytics tools will help you understand the basics of your website performance from the perspective of statistics and profit.

Being able to convert a potential customer is one of the greatest challenges of any e-commerce site. Even Amazon puts a hard real bounce rate at about 5%. This does not seem like much of a fraction, but when you think about the massive amount of traffic that flows into Amazon each minute, it is indeed a staggering number.

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One way to get business leads is to get your potential customers to register. Ask them to fill out contact forms. This will directly contribute to your mailing list later on. It works perfectly for B2B companies, which need many new leads.


How To Create A Cost-Effective SEO Strategy?

Creating a pocket-friendly SEO plan is not absurd. You just need to know your business inside out, and you need to be smart while making business decisions. The cost of inbound leads is (at an average) lesser by 57%. Outbound leads are much costlier in comparison to them.

If you think, a strategy is not contributing to business or leads; you should not waste your time or money behind that strategy. Here, we again go back to Google Analytics. Analyze your leads. See how many of them come from direct Google searches and how many of them come from other websites. Check, how much time each visitor spends on your site before either reverting to Google, moving on to a competitor site or buying a product.

You need high numbers that you can use to determine your ROI. It is quite difficult doing this alone. You may want to hire a remote SEO and analyticsteam to make sure; you are investing smartly.

Finally, Does Your SEO Contribute To Sales?

YES! If you have a smart SEO plan in place, if you are getting new business leads, if you are creating new SEO content and if you are attracting a buyer’s crowd, your SEO is making you money.

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With search engine optimization, you cannot be impatient. Sometimes, it takes months before you can see a spike in the sales chart or an increase in traffic. There is no overnight solution to low traffic and low sales problems. You need to keep doing what the current search algorithm wants you to do, to see the results in your future sales.

If you have found a company that promises SEO quick fixes and overnight traffic, run for the hills and do not look back. Only crooks can “guarantee” the #1 place on Google SRL within a fortnight. In reality, it takes weeks of hard work and dedication to move up a rank. Avoid your share of “Snake Oil Salesmen” says Search Engine Land. Make well-informed decisions, which take you as far away as possible from automated search engine optimization and bogus packages to boost your leads overnight.

In the meantime, you can start experimenting with your keywords in the website content and blog content. Long-tailed keywords with geographic locations are ideal for high-quality traffic. It contributes to higher footfalls. This will automatically push your site a couple ranks higher on the search results list.

Bill WilliamsAbout the Author:

Bill Williams is a marketing analyst and strategist for the leading SEO Sioux Falls Company. He has helped hundreds of companies’ turnaround from certain failure over the last couple of years by perfecting their SEO strategies.

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2 Responses to “Why Is SEO The King Of All Business Strategies?”

  1. slamet darmaji says:

    Thank you very useful information for me…..

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