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4 Myths You Probably Believe About Instagram Marketing

By now, it is a foregone conclusion that social media has a great bearing in the running of businesses. This is given the recent statistics on the number of users of various social media sites. At the centre of this discussion is a key platform – Instagram. Founded in 2010, Instagram has grown beyond many people’s expectations to its currents user base of over 600 million active users. You may have realized that it has found its way to the top priority of many businesses in the market.

The only challenge that lies in its path is the fact that there is a multitude of misconceptions that have been postulated about this platform. Such misconceptions may make business owners who do not have all pertinent information to avoid using Instagram, denying them the chance toreach a broader market. Let’s demystify some of these false beliefs.

1.) It Only Works For Big Companies:

This ranks as one of the most common Instagram marketing myths. Instagram is a social marketing platform for everyone. All you need to do is to target your market wisely and you will see your sells increase exponentially. It is worth noting that the key element is to haveattractive posts that not only drive more people to see but also entice to them to buy your products and services.

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2.) You Can Only Market Visual Products:

Are you a service provider? You do not have to be selling physical objects to post your business on Instagram. You can post pictures with your satisfied customers smiling. The other possibility is posting short videos detailing your services, be it shipping, cleaning or even security. The most important thing is to create catchy posts that will get you free Instagram likes, hence giving you better exposure. With the advent of instagram stories, you can easily explain in detail your business ideas on this platform. Do not be left out!


3.) Difficult To Assess Marketing Impact:

Many people feel that the impact of advertising on Instagram is not quantifiable since most of the time, their customers do not report on how they got to hear of the product. A quick survey can easily dispel this misbelieve by giving you a clear picture of the number of your customers that got to know of your business via instagram.

4.) Instagram Is Just A Photo Sharing Application:

Perhaps the most common misconception is that instagram is just a photo sharing application that cannot offer anything more than that. However, the fact that instagram draws its users from all social and economic backgrounds should dispel such fallacies. Many people are actually on instagram for the purpose of doing business or even looking for current trends in order to buy the latest merchandise.

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It is quite simple to integrate Instagram into business with very promising returns. Therefore, business ownersshould shunthese misconceptions in order to get the best out of instagram. You should try to figure out this amazing marketing trend on your own.

Walter MooreAbout the Author:

Walter Moore is a social media enthusiast. He helps companies to get real Instagram likes and followers. For more information about him and what he does, you can visit his site.

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