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Which PHP Framework You Should Choose?

Before you plan to choose the better framework, you might consider the reasons to use it. Depending on the kind of business you are associated with, the promising framework choice is likely to differ. However, most of the developers would request you to use the one, which you are comfortable in working with. And to know that, it is always mandatory for you to check out on creating small app in each of the framework. And after that, check out the ones, which can work well with your writing style.

Which PHP Framework You Should Choose? Codeigniter, Laravel, Cakephp, Symphony Or Zend

Areas To Catch On:

Whether you are trying to work on Zend of Symphony, Laravel or CodeIgniter, you have to check out some areas first. That will help you to know more about the available options, and help you to make proper decision. Other than working on the comfort, there are some other areas, which you might want to consider, before opting for any of the framework, for your use. Some of those points are listed below, and discussed thoroughly:

  • It is mandatory for you to check on the resources, for each one of those above-mentioned frameworks. You will come across a pretty huge list, when it comes to CakePHP. And the same rule is applicable, when you are working on Laravel.
  • Always remember that majority of frameworks have the same old features. The only difference lies in the syntax. Some might provide you with help on Rest and Auth support, and there are other certain excess features, related to the rest.
  • In case, you are planning to extend your current core libraries, then CakePHP is the right one for you to catch up with. This framework is designed for supporting multiple niche of the major RDB along with various plugins for majority of NoSQL databases. And the same rule is applicable while working on Logging, catching, or dealing with plugins for templating languages.
  • Which-Framework-You-Should-Choose--Codeigniter,-Laravel,-Cakephp,-Symphony-Or-Zend

  • On the other hand, when you are dealing with Laravel, you have built-in queue library. This is going to work wonder with you, if you are looking for decent coding style. There is some other similar functionality, which are available over here. And Laravel is known for making the task of framework functionality a much easier one, than the rest.
  • In case it is Symfony you are looking for, then it can be easy choice. It is a stable framework, which you can catch up with. Moreover, the Symfony community is known for presenting a greater impact on the entire PHP setup. And because of great effort from this framework, some tools like PSR or Doctrine have become de-factor part of the PHP toolsets.
  • Whenever you are taking about the mother and father of PHP framework, you might be talking about Zend. It has multiple components, collected into a small package. There are some solid tutorials and documentations available over here, but Zend is known for having a poor framework. This is one point to consider, before you finally turn into Zend, as the leading framework for the next best PHP programs.
  • When it comes to CodeIgniter, then you are practically going to procure some of the easiest steps to help you in the PHP framework. It is quite easy to learn, and can further help you to write your web applications from the very first day. You do not have to work much on writing codes from the core, as let the framework do the honor, on your behalf. You can also achieve some great freedom in achieving the same, using various approaches of all time.
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Clean And Reusable Code:

You might be able to know that PHP framework helps in writing a proper and reusable code. The code will further remain clean. It generally follows the MVC pattern. Furthermore, PHP helps in working on a clear separation of presentation and logic, to act in the favor of developers. Some developers prefer performance, whereas; there are others, who are much more into documentation.

Depending on the needful sections, the services are going to vary, along with the framework. There are certain developers, who are looking for PHP framework with major built-in functions. So, you might want to study about each one of the frameworks well, before coming to a conclusion. That will help you to come up with the correct decision now.

Jade GardnerAbout the Author:

Jade Gardner is a Marketing Manager at Hire Php Developer. She is a resident of United Kingdom. Jade is also a experienced PhP Developer. She also likes to share her thoughts on php development, cms development, php web applications and web development techniques.

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