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ASKfm Launched A New Essential Feature Called “Discover”

In November 2016, ASKfm launched a new essential feature called “Discover”. Now it is much easier to push boundaries, keep up with the hottest trends and meet like-minded people. The Discover feed allows users to read interesting answers to questions on any topic and find new people around themselves.

New Feature Description:

The Discover feed allows users to see the most popular (highest number of likes) questions and answers from people in their area (city/state/country) and with common interests, calculated using the same #hashtags and answers that other users liked.

The Discover feed is great for:

  • – Finding new content on specific topics.
  • – Keeping up on the news and discovering local communities.
  • – Finding and setting up new connections for a better experience.

Regular friend activity in the Wall section works just like it always has – users are able to see answers from the people that they follow. There is also a “show answers my friends like” function, which can be simply switched on or off. Now it is way more simple to find and contact people like you to express your natural curiosity.


User Impressions:

“I like it. It will allow people to break out more and explore.” Sophie, age 16

“It’s a good idea … a step in the right direction for a social app…I like it better than the one that takes hashtags from your bio.” Marty, age 15

“I was afraid, that with this new Discover feed feature, popular people would just become more popular and it wouldn’t show less popular people even if they have interesting answers. In fact, I see now that it’s working great and I really enjoy the new feed.” Colton, age 17

The research also shows that when asked specifically if they wished to use ASKfm to “discover content or just to connect with regular friends?” 70.6% responded that they wished to do a “little of both”. 19.3% that is better to discover as much content as possible. 10.1% said that they want just to chat with their friends.

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Some other new features and improvements:

  • A whole new set of background themes: A variety of new colours to set for your account appearance, which are easy to change anytime you want.
  • Updated emoji design: Increase of the mood emoji inventory and special limited time only winter moods.
  • Topic-based profile hashtags: Set hashtags to your profile, defining interests and topics that you are fond of.
  • People you may like: Suggested friends based on interest #hashtag.
  • Improved method to display long answers: No more annoying long answers in the feed. Press “view more”, if you want to read the whole answer.
  • Improved reporting function: Don’t like a post in the feed — report it and you’ll never see it again. Easy as abc.
  • Possibility to change online/offline status: Now you decide, if you want to show whether you are online or not!

About ASKfm:

ASKfm is the world’s largest Q&A social network, where more than 150 million members in more than 150 countries connect and engage by asking each other questions. ASKfm’s leadership is dedicated to making the ASKfm service safer and positive. We are significantly investing in technology, people and leadership to transform our service and earn your trust.

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ASKfmCore Values Are:

#1 Connection: Establishing a community of people you are curious about whose opinions matter to you.
#2 Curiosity: Be curious. Get to know your friends, the world and yourself.
#3 Self-Expression: Realize your potential and recognize when opportunity knocks – explore, create, share and appreciate.

Nadiia KovalAbout the Author:

I am Nadiia Kovaland I have passion to write about new tech. Currently I am working with ASKfm so you can check me out there too.

Find Me On GooglePlus | Facebook | Twitter

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5 Responses to “ASKfm Launched A New Essential Feature Called “Discover””

  1. Hey,

    It’s nice idea. it is very informative also
    Thanks for sharing here.

  2. Hey,

    It’s nice feature launched by askfm.
    Thanks for sharing here.

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