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7 Blogging Mistakes That You Should Avoid

You must have heard about all the good things about blogging and how one can earn a lot by monetizing it or even become a popular personality on the internet. You start your own blog on a topic you are so familiar with and have posted some of the best articles or content that you have written so far in your life. But, it seems that your blog has not yet received the attention that you expected and nobody is interacting with your posts.

What has gone wrong? Why is your blog not worked out like those from whom you had inspiration? Are you doing something wrong?

To write blogs is not a tough job, you just need to have a topic of preference and write whatever you feel will be good for it. The hardest part comes when you maintain it and try to turn it into a successful one which is both attractive and popular.

First of all, you must understand that every blog is unique and you may not get the same success by following the blogging patterns of others. You need to understand your own blog and find out the problems. Though, there are some common mistakes that bloggers make and following are seven such:

1.) Blogging Too Frequently Or Not Doing At All:

It is utmost important for blogs to post regularly but not at the expense of the quality of the content that is being put up. When you are writing a blog post, the concept, and the story should be your own. People follow a certain blog because it can get to know new things that are not found in other sites.

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Writing a good blog post needs a lot of research and effort. Getting popularity is not an overnight job. You need to find a good storyline and dedicate wholeheartedly to make it great. So, blogging frequently is not the solution if you do not have the right story. It is not also helpful if you blog one post after a few months gap. You should do it at an interval of 2 to 3 days.

2.) The Design Is Not That User-Friendly:

Do your users have to scroll right or left to read the whole post or the older posts are not easily findable? Then you have serious issues with the design. The users coming to your blog will just take one look and after finding that it is not user-friendly, will just go away, increasing your bounce rate.

If you are using a blogging platform, there are a lot of designs that you can choose from which will help you to get the right layout for your blog. The layout of the blog depends on what type of topic your blog deals in. Is it a picture, text or video blog? Choose the layout after doing a bit of research. Check out what the popular bloggers are using.

3.) Getting Away From The Main Theme Of The Blog:

Your followers are there because they have a feeling that you are knowledgeable about the topic you are blogging on. If you are a travel blogger and suddenly most of the new posts are based on career or top job sites in India, then people will start doubting your credibility.

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Also, just because you know that SEO is going to help your blog do better in the search engine does not mean your sacrifice the quality of your posts. Do not stuff the post with keywords after keywords. Nowadays search engines can read this type of tactics and also readers will get bored with the quality of content.


4.) Putting No Contact Page:

The contact page is an important feature of your blog that you should not overlook. You never know what opportunities you might get. A contact page makes the blog look professional. Also, you can get contributions from other writers who share the same interest but do not have a blog. Getting guest posts are also be mutually beneficial when it comes to SEO. You can also use these guest posts when you are too busy to write your own.

5.) Content Is Not Enough, Know How To Advertise:

Ok, you have the best content that is there regarding the topic that your blog is concerned with but you have done nothing more than that. Do you think that users will come on their own if they do not even know if there is such a blog? It is a big NO. Learn how you can advertise your blogs that the user base starts increasing. Once it has a good number of followers, it will grow automatically. Try sharing on your social media networks or use paid advertising through banners in other websites, if you have the resources to do.

6.) The Blog Is Too Personal:

Are the blog posts always about you? Unless you are a famous personality or a celebrity who has a crazy fan base, nobody is too concerned about your life. So, it will be totally worthless to write posts about you or what you love to do or what you are doing. You can narrate life experiences that others can connect to or which can be connected to some social lifestyle or activities. Other than that, nobody will even read it.

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7.) Do Not Redesign The Blog Every Month:

There are some bloggers who think that changing the design of their blogs every month makes it look cool. To be honest, it simply is not. I would say that is simply a waste of time and your regular followers would definitely not like it. Regular followers get acquainted with the layout and if you change it, they might find it difficult to again get in touch with the design layout. So it is better to do an upgrade in the design only when it is utmost necessary.

Blogging should not be like a full-time job. You should make it an activity that comes out of passion and then everything becomes easy for you. Just keep the above points in mind and you will come to find that blogging is a smooth way to make your hobby a profitable one.

About the Author:

Hasibuddin Ahmed is a professional writer working with one of the top job sites in India – As a career coach, he helps professionals in making decisions related to career and job opportunities. He is an avid reader and lives for two things – football and food. If he is not involved in any of those, you can find him contemplating existential issues.

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3 Responses to “7 Blogging Mistakes That You Should Avoid”

  1. Hi Ahmed..thank you very much for share really I like your post keep in touch from INDONESIA.

  2. Thanks for sharing blog information!!!

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