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5 Actionable Steps You Must Take For An Effective B2B Marketing

Digital marketing at its core is dependent on using digital media in advertising with the sole purpose of converting the crowds into loyal buying customers of your product offering, be it a good or a service. The beauty of digital marketing is that it is measurable and it can use several additional sources of media to be pin point in its targeting capabilities. And the thing is you do not necessarily have to break the bank in order for you to start off with a campaign. You can be up and running with a well-designed campaign within a very short period of time.

Let us clear the air about this whole B2B business before we proceed to describe the best and most effective content strategies that you as a business must use to keep actively engaged with the other businesses to which you offer products to. The standard definition of B2B marketing according to brafton is; the marketing techniques and best practices that are used by companies with products and services sold to other businesses.

Gaining Momentum:

For such a campaign to take off from the ground and gain useful momentum, it must be geared towards winning the hearts and minds of the executives who will be directly involved in the purchase decision. Therefore, the campaign must address the multiple numbers of audiences within the enterprise who contribute to the purchase decisions of the company as a whole.  To be effective, it must also cater to the longer periods that are required for transactions to clear and cash to be made available at hand.

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Here is a tried and tested way of going about the entire B2B content marketing channel, utilizing the best SEO practices;

  • Develop Strategy- It goes without saying that if you want to get to the destination, you must have a clear roadmap as a guide way before you get the ball rolling. Write down all the goals that you expect to achieve in your campaign and use them as a blueprint to decide the road ahead. One key thing to bear in mind in all of this is that every single stage of content marketing has different objectives and thus has clear and distinct goals and expectations.
  • Identify Buyers–For you to be effective in your campaign, you must invest a whole lot in knowing and understanding your target audience. You need to know their expectations, the best ways of interacting with them, their mutual interactions and the chief motivator of their buying decisions. This information will go a long way in helping you create useful buyer personas which will help you run your campaign with pin-point accuracy.

On the subject of personas, it is important for you to know that it does not have to be a time-consuming process in which a lot of resources are expended. On the contrary, all that you need to focus on are the key traits of your customers. This information can be easily aggregated from your sales teams, social audience and email subscribers in order for you to create a realistic picture.


  • Settle on Content Types- At this point in time, you have successfully designed your campaign via your chosen Chicago SEO Servicesprovider along the key areas and you have created a realistic buyer persona. Therefore, the logical thing for you to do is to create content that is targeted at this key demographic. After all, this is the key plank of your B2B content marketing strategy.
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The roadmap should be designed along answering these questions; what does your audience want to read? What topics are useful for the purchase funnel? Does your content satisfy the need for this kind of information that they require? Are the topics aligned with the wider strategy of the campaign as it were? Answering these questions will set you on the right path to content development.

  • Generate Content – At this point in time, there is no more need of wasting time as you well know time is money. Get creating and the roadmap to create content is paved with the following; value, relevance, visual appeal, proper formatting length and of course, the target audience and their expectations. The content should be multi-media including blog posts, videos, infographics, eBooks, visuals, whitepapers podcasts and quotes.
  • Augment Content – Now that you have used the above framework to create stunning, targeted content, the only thing remaining at this point in time is to consider going full blast in making sure that you capture as many eyeballs as possible.

Use SEO, Social Media, Email marketing, influencer marketing, promoted social media posts, SEM and targeted advertising. The whole idea here is to make sure that you have the whole content strategy designed to reach the target audience and to keep them engaged on the content that you are delivering to them.

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Continuous Feedback Loop:

Last but not least, after you have successfully developed and run your successful B2B campaign, the really interesting part begins and this part is largely defined by what you decide to do with the large amounts of data that your campaign has generated. You see, this campaign will leave behind quite a large digital blueprint down to the very finest of details and as such, you need to make sure that you use this Big Data creatively to gain insights that will be useful in designing your next campaign.

The process of analysis and optimization is a complex one and that is why it has been assigned a whole paragraph of its own. You need to set Key Performance Indices, KPIs, which will help you in evaluating the efficacy of the content marketing campaign. It will give you valuable information to find out whether it met the goals that you set out to achieve in the first stage. Ultimately, the content strategy is a continuous process which relies on a continuous feedback loop. Therefore, you will use lessons learnt to get on with the next campaign over and over until you nail it.

Selina JenkinsAbout the Author:

Selina Jenkins is a renowned and experienced IT expert in the field of using different social media platforms for marketing. She has been involved with Chicago SEO Services and is therefore better placed to advice on matters marketing on any online platform.

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