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Is 2D Character Animation Best For Animated Explainer Videos?

The purpose of 2D character animation serves to your videos is it gives the concept characters, and a new dimension. Creating characters is essential as they help the concept reach the right audience. In our last article we took a look into how 2D explainer videos come to life with some planning and with the help of a few tips. Today let’s dig into a few more steps to create marketing videos in 2D.

Timing Is The Key:

More is better. Well, this is not necessarily true when it comes to animated explainer video. The first 30-60 seconds of online videos is the most crucial because the attention span to viewers is equal to that of a goldfish. Make sure the point your video is trying to put across comes out within this limited time. This is the job of the script writer. A smart script should be capable of incorporating everything well. An animated explainer video should be neither too short that the audience doesn’t pay attention to, nor too long that bores them.

What’s Your Budget?

Animated television commercials are expensive, but if you’re making a video targeting an online audience then animated explainer videos should do your job just well. And moreover, should fit well under your budget. That’s when 2D technique comes in most handy. If your budget is small, then indulge in 2D character animation depending upon the length and the message to be conveyed.


2D For Branding:

When creating an animated explainer video for your business, your brand color, logo, motto and other branding material all usually a part of the video. 2D animation technique allows full customization according to the requirements of the brand. That’s probably one of the reasons for the wide popularity of the technique in the market.

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Mode Of Communication:

Whether you prefer a voice-over artist to narrate your story, or text that sprawls across the animation or characters that interact with each other within a storyline. Whatever be your way and style of communication with the audience, all works well with 2D character animation. The main purpose is to make the video engaging enough for people to watch it till the end then take action accordingly.

Hiring A Studio:

And finally we come to the most important part of video creation process: the selection of the right 2D character animation studio. Choose a studio that fully understands your business goals. It should have the focus and capacity to deliver you the best animated explainer video.
Overall, producing an animation video for your business should be fun and should yield you with the best results. If the final product gives you satisfaction then in no time the audiences will start craving for your product, service and brand.

Dharmendra AhujaAbout The Author:Authored by Dharmendra Ahuja, PitchWorx – Animation Video Company with a dedicated creative team of 2d character animation and graphic designers who create explainer videos for startups and corporate, infographics, corporate presentation designs.

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2 Responses to “Is 2D Character Animation Best For Animated Explainer Videos?”

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