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Secrets To Get Viewers Addicted To Your Animated Explainer Videos

You’ve just invested in a great looking marketing video for your business. What next? Just land placing the video on the landing page of your website is not enough to get people watch it. What is the purpose of creating an animated explainer video in the first place? To, engage viewers and to convert right? An extraordinary video also needs some key elements to probe viewers to watch them and get addicted ( in a good way of course )!

Today. let’s talk about 3 psychological techniques that’ll help you greatly in increasing the viewership of the video which in turn boosts conversion.

Meet The Z – Factor!

Alright folks, let’s introduce ourselves to a great Russian psychologist with the surname “Zeigarnik”. Hence… Z!! She came up with a very interesting concept while teaching her students. The concept of suspense in her lessons. It is also popularly known as the Zeigarnik Effect. Now, the question is how does this fit in the bill of explainer videos?

What you need to learn from this is to simply add suspense and open loops in your video. It’s good if the suspense comes throughout but the START and the END is where it should come the most. Easy so far?

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Well, adding suspense initially in the script part from where the whole explainer video production process begins is not enough to engage customers. There are two more things you need to do hypnotize your audience.


Next Comes Resetting The Focus Of The Viewers:

While, writing this what comes to mind is the trance-like state people go into when watching TV. Now, why does this really happen. Ofcourse factors like great storyline, awesome visuals and good sound effects might be the reason behind this. But have you ever taken a closer look and noticed how often the SCREEN changes. Psychologically, our brains are wired to notice change.

People in TV and movie business, take colossal advantage of this and deliberately change screen angles thereby, the focus of the viewers resets constantly. This theory also fits the concept of explainer video concept. Here what you can so is use jump – cuts, segways, transitions more for frequent screen change. This way the audience kind of goes into a trance-like state like while watching TV. This way he/she ends up watching longer than maybe planned.

Don’t Forget To Add An X – Factor At The End:

Here, we come to the last secret of engaging viewers and that’s adding an X – factor at the end of the video. Make them stand-outs, let audience get the feeling that it’s a special explainer video. Deliberately do this right at the end for eg: adding a blooper during the recording! It’s a great way to break the ice and builds a special connection with the viewers. Sometimes, the people want to see that special part repeatedly which makes them click the play button again and again.

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You can also feature behind the scene clips, or what’s coming up next at the end.

Now coming towards the end, let’s have a quick recap of the 3 special secrets to make animated explainer videos a hit with the audience. They are: the Z – factor, reset of focus and lastly, the magic of X – factor! Try them out and paint the town red with your explainer video! Cheers…

Dharmendra AhujaAbout the Author:Authored by Dharmendra Ahuja, PitchWorx – Animation Video Company with a dedicated creative team of 2d animators and graphic designers who create explainer videos for startups and corporates, infographics, corporate presentation designs.

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