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Know A Simple Procedure For Microsoft Exchange OST File Recovery

When you are not using Outlook with Exchange Server, Outlook stores all the data in a personal folder known as PST file. However, when you use Outlook account with Exchange Server in enabled cached Exchange mode, the mailbox data is cached in form of OST files.

How These OST Files Are Helpful?

Sometimes, it happens that you cannot connect with the Exchange Server. Reason being there are some issues with network or the server may be in offline conditions. In such type of situation, Microsoft Outlook can make use of the cached mailbox data. The server data stored in offline folder helps users to work in offline server connections. Outlook stores the data that are worked in offline conditions and synchronizes it with Exchange Server mailbox when the server connection is later restored.

Such are the advantages rendered by OST files. However, sometimes it happens that the offline folder copies are damaged or corrupted and users are not able to access them. In other words, the OST files become inaccessible. In such cases, users look up for beneficial ways for accessing data from OST files. Before finding out any solution to recover the OST files, we need to understand the reason behind OST files inaccessibility.

Reason For OST Files Getting Inaccessible:

Network Issues: Although, OST files helps you to work in offline conditions by synchronizing the data with the mailbox when connections are restored, but there are instances when there are problems in synchronization and the OST files become corrupted.

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Corruption in OST Files: Corruption in OST files can occur due to malware or virus infection. Even though there is provision, in which Outlook does not download the mailbox data that are corrupted but corruption instances take place and OST files become inaccessible.

Apart from the above reasons, there are several other causes for OST files being corrupted and in these circumstances, we need a solution that would proffer a convenient Microsoft Exchange OST recovery.

Solution For Recovering Offline Folders Of Outlook:

One such solution that facilitates in recovering corrupted or damaged Offline Storage Table Files is OST Recovery. It provides an easy way out to recover OST files in PST. EML or MSG file format.

Alisa HiltonAbout the Author:

I am Alisa Hilton an working for a company that are prevalent among users for our unexampled range of solutions in data recovery. Amongst them, OST to PST Converter is a utility that facilitates in recovering corrupted OST files.

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4 Responses to “Know A Simple Procedure For Microsoft Exchange OST File Recovery”

  1. Stone Depot says:

    Thanks for great post This is really helpful. Thanks for keep on posting.

  2. Katie Cory says:

    I am not a tech savvy and I am glad that I have found. Great job! post more tips like this. Thanks

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