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Top Challenges In Mobile App Development In 2015

In the new era of technology, mobile is slowly replacing the desktop PCs. The number of mobile users is growing rapidly day by day, according to a recent survey of mobile statistics, the number of mobile users has reached to 1.8 billion mark in 2015 from 1.6 billion in 2014.

From a developer’s point of view, it has become very important to consider what a user wants while launching a new mobile app. It is a challenging task for developers to create a mobile app from a small firm to large businesses because the requirement and consideration are different for each business. Hence, developers face many technical and non-technical problems that don’t let them meet up the targets.  In this article we will discuss the top challenges of mobile app development and how to overcome from these.

1.) App User Interface:

Creating an appealing user user interface is a big challenge, especially when there are thousands of apps out there to compete with. Thus, a developer must focus on making the user interface (UI) better. A good looking and user friendly interface makes it easy for a person to use the mobile app. There are many factors that need to be kept in mind to make a better user interface, such as:-

  • Easy Navigation:- The navigation of the app should be convenient and easy, so that users can move from one tab to another.
  • Fast Access to Information:- Developers need to remember that users are usually looking for specific information through an app. Thus, a developer should design the app in a way that provides easy access to the information. The speed of loading a page should also be fast enough to get faster access of information.
  • Better Visualization and Presentation of Information:- The information should be presented with attractive visuals that improve the user experience. For example, a developer should create a meaningful icon instead of descriptive buttons for the application.
  • Ideal Button Size:- The size of the buttons is limited to our fingers. If they are too small than a user will find it difficult to touch them and if the icon is too large then it will result in poor representation and visualization of your app. Hence, the button size should be kept ideal so that a user can touch them and navigate easily.
  • UI Location:- Mostly the UI icons are found at the bottom or the top of the screen. As the user generally touches the icons by thumb, It will be easy to reach at bottom as compared to the top of the screen. So it is best to keep the position of buttons at bottom of the screen.
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2.) App Security:

Security is the foremost challenge in mobile app development and every mobile app developer understands the importance of it. To get a detailed idea of how to implement safety in a mobile app, let’s look at some points below:-

  • Data Encryption:- Encryption of data can reduce the chances of improper use of information in case if a user lost his device. There are many advanced coding features available that can be implemented for the mobile data encryption.
  • Data Access:- The data and information access should be carefully determined as the information may contain the credentials like login details or any other important data that should be restricted from unauthorized use.
  • Validation on server side:- Server side validation like bug fixes, security fixes should be done on the server instead on the client side. It will help to improve the performance of mobile devices because the user will always want to use the application without any disruption.

3.) Choice Of Technology:

Choosing the best suitable technology to build a mobile app requires a good understanding of the type of application and some other things. It can be chosen by considering factors such as targeted users, cost, complexity of apps, etc. There are mainly two choices available:-

  • Native technology:- If you are targeting a specific device or mobile operating system, then this is the best choice. For example, if your target is to develop an application that runs only on iOS then you can build it with the help of Objective C. However, developing a device specific application requires more efforts, cost and time.
  • HTML 5 (Hybrid Technology):- If a mobile application is developed to work on multiple platforms, then HTML 5 is the perfect choice.
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There is no “one size fits all” solution for all mobile app developers, because the choice depends on need of business, requirements of the app, deadline, skills of developer etc.


The above challenges can be converted into opportunities if the right solution is applied carefully. A better understanding of current mobile app market trends and good knowledge of modern technologies can lead to the best strategy for developing outstanding mobile apps. Hence, a mobile app developer must be aware of these challenges and should look for the new ways to make the application better in this competitive era of mobile apps.

About the Author:

Himanshu Mehra is an Online Marketer at Nine Hertz. He is passionate to help businesses in improving their online brand visibility and sales.

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2 Responses to “Top Challenges In Mobile App Development In 2015”

  1. Saint jose says:

    Great post, I think in HTML is very easy to create apps & also cost, time also very less…I prefer this one…keep posting & like this post.

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