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How To Redirect All 404 Not Found Page To The Home Page In Blogger?

Generally it is very irritating when some reach internet and that they found of which link isn’t a more are present. To deal with a such a situation Blogger team has now introduce a search desire feature to help optimize our own post in Google search. there tend to be several solutions to through which it will be possible to deal with such a position.

In addition to 404 problem page with full breadth layout. A component from the idea, you are able to redirect broken connect to other url that having related content material. So today we are about to share post to you all about how do most of us redirect our own 404 problem page for the home site with utilization of JavaScript. 404 problem page is usually appear only when any of your visitors come internet through virtually any mean, and that particular total link is just not existing. If you’ll use this post of which, it will help your visitors to serve them a greater.Therefore, today in this article, we will learn How to Redirect All 404 Not Found Pages to Homepage in Blogger.

Automatic 404 Page Redirection:

1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire “Blog”.
3.) Go To “Setting”.
4.) Go To “Search Preferences” To Add It.
5.) Now Scroll To “Custom Page Not Found”
6.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It To There.
7.) Click Save, Now You Are Done.

Sorry for the inconvenience, the page you are looking for has no existence. Wait few sec to go to out HomePage.
<script type = "text/javascript">
ERROR_Redirect = setTimeout(function() {location.pathname= "/"}, 1000);


1000 is the delay time in microseconds. Anyone can change it. Changing the value to Zero (0) would redirect immediately without any delay.

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Last Words:

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14 Responses to “How To Redirect All 404 Not Found Page To The Home Page In Blogger?”

  1. Sumit Gogawat says:

    Good Work Team Exe
    I always look for this post. Now the problem is resolved. Keep posting such type of great blogger articles. Thanks to EXE

  2. Dedi Info says:

    How to redirect domain?

  3. junaid khan says:

    It was really a great matter of concern for me from long time but really thanks to you it made my day i got the proper solution for that.

  4. adseno says:

    is this still working?

  5. Nice tutorial and thanks to give the solution for this question , actually I am searching the solution for this question.

  6. David says:

    I don’t know much about 404 error pages because I had started my blogging career recently.

    But somewhere I read that If any blogger or writer deleted the existing web page then the URL of that web page becomes 404 URL and that page becomes 404 page.

    It is also said that Google don’t like 404 page so I checked my site whether I had any 404 page or not then I found few of the 404 error pages on my site also.

    But Now after reading this post, I can easily handle these pages.

    Thanks for sharing such a helpful post with us. 😀

  7. John says:

    Indeed a Great post about 404 redirection.

    It is said that 404 not found pages or broken pages aren’t good for any blog because It gives bad user experience and It also affects badly in search engine rankings.

    Search engine like Google never wants to redirect their users to a page which shows not found errors. Right?

    So It is must to redirect these 404 pages to either another relevant page or to homepage.

    I can remember when I started my 1st blog then I didn’t have any idea that on which niche I should write. So I used to write on different different topics and later deleted those articles when move to another niche.

    In this way, I created so many 404 not found pages in my blog and one day, I realized that Webmaster tools is showing so many not found errors.

    When I saw that, I scared because I didn’t knew about these pages at that time. Then I did research and fixed those pages.

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful tutorial. 😀

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