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Making Money Through User Engagement Points

While getting people to visit your site is an achievement in and of itself, it goes without saying that it takes more than mere visits in order to actually make money. This is especially true for most affiliate programs. Among the factors that determine the success of a campaign are click-thru rates, landing page visits, and certain verification tools.

The Benefit of Landing Pages:

Landing pages are critical for making money. It is important to note that your home page URL is not necessarily a landing page. A landing page is a page that is designed to make the sale. Therefore, it is important to be very specific on what your page is about. When you direct people to the landing page of your product, they are more likely to buy the product.

Also, if you are specific, they are more likely to buy from you because when they visit your page, it is because they are looking specifically for what you are promoting. Even for people who know what to look for, it is convenient to have a landing page in that it takes them to where they can make the purchase in the fastest way possible.

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The Importance Of Click-Through Rates:

With Internet marketing, it is a numbers games. The click-thru rate is a crucial aspect of Internet marketing success. If people just see your ad, then you are not that likely to make money. However, when you have an ad, or a link that grabs attention, then you are going to have a higher click-thru rate. As of May 2015, Adweek says that L’Oreal has met a 90% Video ad view rate. A higher click-thru rate equals more conversions. A higher number of visitors equates to more sales and higher income.


Making Money Through Human Verification:

There are plenty of different types of verification that you can use in order for people to access your site, one common type of check is the CAPTCHA. When people verify themselves with CAPTCHA, it proves that it is an authentic visit and not a bot. For each human verification, you can earn money by CAPTCHA ad integration.

There have been many innovations in this area. CAPTCHA’s used to be really distorted letters that you had to type in. Now, while there are still distorted codes, you may also be presented with the form of verification where you have to click the right images in order to continue. There are other human verification tactics that are often used in order to access content such as completing an offer. This is often a way to earn off of the visits that you get. The users could complete an offer for their favorite brands.

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A good landing page, click-through rates, and human verification points are three important aspects of making money online with user engagement. According to UX Magazine’s article, “Increasing User Engagement with Rewarding Interactions,” the more involved you can get your user, the more likely you are going to make money from them. There is a large diversity of tools that you can use in order to generate income, and the more you use them in a masterful way, the more money you will make from your site. The key to earning money from your visitors is to make your site worthwhile.

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