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Google Helpout – Know The History Of It Via Infograph

Google being the main internet search provider worldwide always emphasises its aim to make its search engine a great user experience. We see this regularly as part of their widely-feared algorithm updates like Penguin and Panda which are used by them to promote better web content. Perhaps through their experience of seeing people’s search behaviours and queries, they spotted an area that could be exploited commercially. A 2012 study found that Google earns $100million a day from AdWords so it is fair to say that they understand the commercial side of their business very well.

Google launched Helpouts in 2013 following attempts at solving the question and answer divide that they had noticed. This followed on from services called ‘Answers’, ‘Questions and Answers’, and ‘Knol’. Helpouts aims to match experts in specific areas with people who need the knowledge. Some helpouts are free but many require a fee. This infographic explores the area of Google Helpouts and examines the advantages, disadvantages and some interesting facts along the way.


This Infograph is shared here after legal permission from DPFOC Canada.

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