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Benefits Of Making Mobile Apps Using WordPress


There are many ways to create an iOS app or Android app. You may choose either a native, hybrid or web. Now WordPress too can be used as a platform to create mobile apps. Users have increasingly begun to access WordPress blogs and websites through smartphones and tablets.

Moreover, with the increasing popularity apps, it is logical that they would want to manage their WordPress blogs from the app itself. WordPress and PHP developers can rejoice as they now have an opportunity to create native apps. Thus this allows you to leverage WordPress capabilities to create an application by using WordPress as an application platform.

This is therefore different from making an app version of your WordPress blog. This is about the ability to make an app on the WordPress platform. This would help you connect and engage with your audience at all times. Going further, it offers an opportunity to use WordPress capabilities to build custom iPhone/ Android mobile application.

So, read on to expand the scope of your WordPress blog, website and e-comm website with WordPress app development. AppPresser kickstarted the trend in using JSON API to provide for backend, front-end and mobile application services. Many new players like IdeaPress, Uppsite, Mobiloud, Wiziapp, Joemobi now offer the capability to utilise JSON API to access and leverage WordPress integration.

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You begin by installing the JSON plugin into the WordPress, then make an API call and download PhoneGap to get development environment set up. The app can either be for Apple iOS or Google Android. The following are the major benefits that will be available to your WordPress blog or website through JSON API.


Backend Integration:

The use of JSON API allows the opportunity to offer a strong backend capability. You can by applying the JSON API extend your backend structure and scale it. Thus all the changes and addition through the dashboard for content management system can be easily managed by the WordPress mobile app.

Front-End Architecture:

Similarly by using JSON API, you can customize your front-end. However, while major players charge premium for the use of third party plugins and extensions, in WordPress it comes free. Thus, through WordPress as a mobile app development platform you can leverage their powerful themes, extensions and plugins.

Mobile Apps-Development:

By choosing to build mobile app with WordPress you can tap into the next digital frontier. This helps to further connect and engage and expand with your audience base. It also allows you to take advantage of the device specific functionalities such as camera, geo-location,push notifications. It also allows the user a quicker access to your blog or website, now available through a mobile app. The WordPress mobile app offers powerful capabilities for an e-commerce platform. This also assures you a place in the appstore, which helps boosts the success of an app.

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Boost M-Commerce:

For online retailers, the WordPress as a mobile app development helps create native app at a fraction of cost. Thus they will get access to the popular app stores and better engage with customers. Moreover they also save on the huge amount they would have to shell out for iOS or Android app development.

Mobile Apps For WordPress Blog:

Closely related to using WordPress as a platform for native app development, is transforming your blog into iPhone or Android app. You can use various plugins to bring your content into the mobile world. As smartphones and tablets are increasingly being used to access internet, it seems a logical choice. Recent reports too point to the fact that mobile apps will be the way of the future for content consumption. Moreover, it is an inexpensive choice to build an app, while also helps save time. This will also benefit by helping you reach to a larger audience, which presently lies untapped.

Affordable And Accessible Native Apps-Development:

The use of WordPress as a platform makes native app development less expensive. Further it also makes native app development more accessible to those who know how to create a website.

Thus with evolving technologies, we can expect a WordPress app that offers solution to back-end needs coupled with a front-end capabilities. Thus, WordPress as a platform presents itself as a quick, easy and cost-effective route to build a native app.

Denise BrightAbout the Author:Denise Bright is a market researcher at BDC with passion for technology and writing. Denise covers leading mobile app development companies & specialists world-wide. Apart from data research, Denise contributes to blogs, Whitepapers and research analysis at BDC.

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