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How To Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rate?

By definition it would mean that people who come visit your website leave only after reading one page. If that happens, if the bounce rate is high, it means that something is wrong with your website and that it is time to intervene to reduce bounce rates.

In a fast changing world it is very hard to create content that will make visitors stay longer, but with the help of analytics tools and what the global trends are, it is possible to change together with the world. Engaging content is a must for any serious company if they want gain new customers.

Design And Re-Design:

What your customers see when they click on your website is very important because if it is not engaging enough they will simply click away and you will lose potential sales. It is imperative that you have good page design, that not everything is a clutter and a mash-up of texts.

Bounce rates also tell whether your company has a good marketing strategy employed via Internet. Do not assume that your website is only here for information, it is the first stepping stone that any new customer will take, and if they do not like what they see, it is perhaps time to re-design your look.

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One more thing you need to remember is that you need to change with trends, if something new comes out, try to incorporate it because you that just might be the thing your company needs to boost sales.

Make Your Brand Tell A Story:

Do not rely on heavy information to describe something; try to make it so that your brand is recognizable and that it can tell a story. Besides a catchy slogan and a brand image, your brand should represent something that the clients can easily recognize and even sympathize with. It will be beneficial if your brand is present somewhere on your website too.

Social Media Is Important:

Internet activity does not only mean to have a website, it does not stop there. As a serious company you should dedicate a team to social media activities as well. Being active on social networks will ensure that people will catch wind of your company and they will come visit your website, effectively lowering bounce rates.

Being active on social media will also make sure that potential customers will be interested and that they can follow how thing are developing in your company; already existing customers can get updates and news faster which will guarantee loyalty.

Targeting Audience:

Try to find a niche audience you want to appeal to and create engaging pages that will occupy them and make sure that they keep on clicking and viewing more pages. If you wish to appeal to a wider range of audience, try to create a multi-layered website that any audience can enjoy.

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Another important aspect you should cover are the frequently asked questions. If you have a detailed and dedicated page that explains any possible problem that may come up with regarding your product or company, your customers will greatly appreciate it. Also, they will keep coming back to check if they have an issue, which in turn will lower bounce rates.

Long Is Not Always Good:

Creating engaging content is one thing, but creating content that is not long is hard. However, you should think in quality rather in quantity. Short and engaging content is key to lowering bounce rates; customers will have the need to keep viewing other pages and to move from page to page to find out more or to find other aspects of your company.

People will love the idea if you are able to enrich your content with pictures and videos. A lot of text can scare away anyone, but if you have prepared something interactive be assured that your bounce rates are lower.

A Few More Guidelines:

There are also enhancements to think about that seem minor, but are very important. You can find value in other and older pages on your website and you can link them through the content of the page that engages the readers.

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Linking on the sidebar. It is wise to put a great use to your sidebar with interesting content and links. When a user first lands on your website, it is a great way to show what you’re about. Sidebar is a great place to have an About Me/Us description, or a ‘first time guide’, links to the most popular content, anything that can let your readers deeper into your website and its vision.

When you make sure that your landing page is visually appealing to visitors, it is crucial to provide the content that allows viewing and understanding in a short span of time. This way the users won’t have the need to bookmark your site only for the reason of browsing through a lot of descriptive information later on. Be precise and make sure your content is visible, accurate and can be consumed in a short viewing time.

About the Author:
Leana Thorne is a devoted blogger and a regular contributor to several tech blogs. She enjoys sharing newly found information, and loves writing –she enjoys being an internet marketing consultant and is in love with her job because it allows her to rightfully creative.

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2 Responses to “How To Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rate?”

  1. Santosh Dwibedy says:

    It is very useful to all, nice topic. Thank you for post……….

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