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5 Good Reasons Why Agile Development Is Better Than Other

5 Good Reasons Why Agile Development Is Better Than Other

Agile software development is trending in 2014 with more consumer using web-based applications to purchase goods and services. Essentially, the use of this type of development helps a business to reach goals in their business plan at a faster and more efficient rate. If you are based out of Bristol, look for a Bristol web design company to assist you in this process, this will result in agility being achieved at faster rates. Also, overall consumer satisfaction will be greater.

More Ability To Adapt:

Agile development can adapt to the changing trends, design layout s and needs of a website much easier than traditional designs. It is a way to develop a base structure that can be updated with very little effort. Adapting to consumer needs and online business trends is important.

A website has to be able to adapt to rapid influxes of traffic, increased demand and what consumers want to see as far as content delivery is concerned very quickly without disruption to the website’s functionality.

5 Good Reasons Why Agile Development Is Better Than Other

Faster To Market:

It is important as a new brand to reach the market first. Those that are first have been known to be 80-percent more successful than followers in the same market. The idea here is to be the market leader and develop a standard for the niche.

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Agile development highly encourages early releases, re-publication and beta marketing opportunities. This gives consumers an idea of how innovative your product or service is to create a demand right out of the gate.

5 Good Reasons Why Agile Development Is Better Than Other


It is easier to create a budget and manage cost when you use agile development. In a traditional setting, capital is built behind the scenes before a product is launched for consumer use or purchase. With agile development the functions that are required for a business are built first. This helps to keep the cost down while a company is established.

New software can be kept on-deck, so-to-speak, in order to provide what consumers need down the road. Software or function is often released in phases to prevent user confusion and allow the company to control cost overall.

Increased Visibility:

In terms of visibility, a developer will work closely with its client. This will show the client how a specific piece of the software works and how it will benefit consumers. Client participation, or visibility, is crucial to ensure that the end product is what it needs to be.

Anyone that holds a strong interest in the company, such as management and ownership roles, should be involved in the development process. Clients that are absent from a project often have a website or software that leaves consumers feeling like they are the afterthought and disconnected from a brand.

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Higher Quality:

The testing process for a website that is created using agile software development is much more detailed than typical pre-launch testing. While the programs are being developed, there are tests that are performed along the way to ensure that the lifecycle of the software is going to be lengthy.

It is also important to perform quality testing along the way to ensure that the software will be able to adapt to changes in technology to maintain the website down the road.

Agile development may be costly up-front, but it is the ideal way to ensure that the end product that is delivered to consumers is the best that it can be. Interaction between developers and clients is a must, especially during the testing phases.

Clients need to see how the software functions and how well consumers will adapt to it. A focus group or testing panel is a good idea for this process as their feedback will essentially put a scope on the website as far as functionality and satisfaction are concerned.

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