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Reasons Why Run Of The Mill Programmers Continue To Get Hired

Reasons Why Run Of The Mill Programmers Continue To Get Hired

Whether you are a connoisseur of software technology, or just another jack-or-jenny-of-all-trades, you will vouch for the fact that the growing traction by the PHP framework can be owed to all the right reasons.

This highly resourceful framework gives me a sense of affordability, not only in terms of the budget, but due to the smaller magnitude of the risks involved with the projects leveraging this technology. The abridged complexity of codes, more intelligible frameworks, bolstered security mechanisms — everything leaps and makes PHP one tour de force of a web technology.

Now, that being known, it made me wonder why software companies settle for average programmers when there is a whole constellation of barn-burner PHP programmers for their consideration (If you don’t believe it yet, it’s time to open yourself to the yin and yang of programming verse a little more)

Part imperceptible, part palpable, the mystery of the fact didn’t take a lot of time to decipher and present itself bare-boned. Here is what I learnt:

It’s All About Making The Right Noises:

Branding — or more conventionally, marketing — has transfigured the way we accept or reject a product. When you have at your disposal a great concept and you are firing all cylinders to make sure the concept’s enormity doesn’t go unnoticed, you are comfortably poised for success.

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There is every possibility that the execution of the concept is marred by numerous slack elements and the company lacks the technical competence to bring that idea to reality. But despite the weight of expectations to the contrary, with the right marketing tools in place, the product is nevertheless deemed to be sold and most likely to receive good reviews.

In the same breath, it is worth considering that a development company can have a perfect combination of individuals who ideate and individuals who execute those ideas to perfection, leading to a product with popcorn-bowl full of incredible features, but if there is an absence of marketing acumen, it shall become too hard to broadcast the product’s voice.

And this is why companies are “ok” with mediocre programmers, as they feel they can leverage the money they saved hiring cheaper programmers on marketing functions and make sure that their product — lacking any soul – has the indispensable brawn and brute required to play it to the gallery. Pinning the technologically more sincere competitors to submission becomes an all too achievable target.

Reasons Why Run Of The Mill Programmers Continue To Get Hired

The General Buyer Cares A Hoot About Code Quality:

Does an average buyer, seeking to buy a car racing game, have any idea how the program at the backend looks like? Negative. If the game looks great with all the right colors and superb graphics, the gamer isn’t going to waste any time buying it.

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The code underneath that interface may be in total disarray. It is likely to affect the game functionality, but there is a rather small section of buyers who would rue over slower speed, or a player or two not working as expected.

It Takes Time For A Bad Code To Wear Off:

As with tangible goods, a low quality code may give the same kind of output as its better quality counterpart, but the difference lies in the way both sustain themselves over a period of time. The passable piece of code starts to wear off, while the much robustly constructed code stays true to the time-honored tradition that quality sustains.

The software realm however doesn’t wait for so long. After every few months, companies come up with upgrades and updates, filling in for the flaws that the previous version introduced, and in the process, infusing some greater flaws. The time window gives them an opportunity to pull the plugs on the previous version and take it off the market. Meanwhile, the good, old offerings are lost in the race for newer versions.

As iterated before, there are folks who would turn around wincing at the mediocrity of application they just bought, but there is a much larger segment which savors the awe of visual interface that masks all the flaws lying underneath.

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Whilst the PHP code quality will remain the quintessential factor for developing applications, the marketing windfalls will continue to impact the commitment to that quality.

About the Author:
Maria Mincey is a qualified Outsource PHP Development professional who is great at delivering focus in his writings. She works for the software giant, Xicom Technologies. Hire PHP Programmer from Xicom to get quality service at your fingertips.

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