Today in the world of modern internet traffic to your blog is very important. You can create a very user-friendly website full of information, with the most beautiful design in the world … but what’s the point without visitors?
If your budget allows you can spend money on advertising and that’s it, the aim is achieved. There a lot of tools to move ahead the blog, you just need to pay. Still the majority of us can’t afford to spend thousands of dollars for advertising.
Fortunately knowing the strategy you can have a desired traffic without spending money!
Table of Contents
1.) Do E-Mail Sending:
It’s an old but extremely efficient method. Sending e-mails you will easily find target audience. Make the list of e-mail addresses and start sending letters with content of high quality and links to your blog.
2.) Focus On Organic Search:
Organic search is a free of charge traffic source. People read your blog through various searching systems like Google and Yahoo.
All of us are dreaming of getting as much traffic from search systems as possible. But it’s easier said than done. It is important to keep in mind that it’s better not to deceive search systems. An excellent approach is to create high quality content and make sure that your site is well-organized for search systems. Remember that the link to the site with quality anchor text is very important (that is text with keywords).
3.) Social Networks:
With the help of social networking you will be able to attract more audience. Such popular Social Networks as Facebook and Twitter allow you to find people with the same interests. Create themed groups and pages with quality content, do not just spam links to your site.
4.) Spin Your Blog:
Let a famous news site or a blog talk about your blog. Compose some interesting story or write an interesting article. First of all, you will need to find a list of suitable sites. Next, you will need to contact the authors.
5.) Pay Particular Attention On Competitors:
Pay attention to blogs with topics, which are similar with your own topic. Take an active part in their life, gain confidence of these bloggers, and later you will find a way to take some part of their traffic!
6.) Involve Other People:
You will be very surprised but sometimes the best way of having extra traffic is to advertize simply by word of mouth.
7.) Unite Blogs And Sites:
If you have several blogs and sites on similar topics which can boast of a good content you can successfully increase traffic by creating references to each other. Thus these sites and blogs will promote each other. Additionally you can find good blogs and sites and offer them profitable cooperation.
8.) Organize Contests:
Contests, competitions and shares have always been a perfect way to interest and attract audience. Do you know people who are not fond of winning something? It is doubtful. As we are talking about the ways to attract traffic which do not demand money spending, the price can be your professional point of view on certain things and advice, expert examination, seminar, web-seminar and many others.
9.) Simply Be The Best:
An idea that you are the best in a certain field of knowledge always makes people crazy! A strong desire and urge to be the best of the best will give you a lot of advantages. The most important step towards becoming a respectable professional is choosing a very specific, particular field or speciality. Since content is the most vital part of a blog you need to figure out which interesting, original, very specific topic you can best develop.
10.) Make Up An Organization Or A Group:
Since ancient times human being was striving to be the part of a society. You won’t have to make much effort in order to find people with common interests as social networks are on a high level today. Share, teach, debate and get the same positive feedback!
Today we got to know how to increase traffic to your blog without spending a single penny so to say. It is of vital importance to understand that methods, tactics and strategies mentioned above will bring more affective and profitable only if they are used according to a certain situation. It is unwise to blindly try one and all. It’s better to think which method is the best for you and your blog.

An experienced writer Paul Smith works for essay writing service. Among the topics he writes on are Internet marketing, blogging and social networks. You can easily cooperate with him.
Yeah they are many social networks that you can pin your articles too, i found a site which name… This site is social network where you can ping your article..
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Ya its good to get traffic from social but increases bounce rate
The Only One And Best Way To Reduce Bounce Rate Is Internal Linking At Good Keywords And Showing Some Related Post In The Article Too. Hop This Will Help You To Decrease It….
That is very useful post. For me ” Do Email sending ” is better than others. You must have known about the importance of building relationships and I think keep in touch with emails sending is the best way to make relationships. ” The More we make relationships, the more user feel like coming on our blog” .
Have found useful stuff from your article. Have a nice weekend. Thanks.
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Nice article
hey great post……….to increase traffic on sites………yeah these are the important tips for a blogger. thanks a lot…..
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This article is incredibly smart . I would like to add some tips to make good traffic to the blog :
1. Content – write a good content that is updated regularly in your blog/.
2. Text styling -Make bold or use any different font style to highlight your keyword.
3.Use hyperlinks
4.Use your keywords in your web pages
5.Add interactive features to your blog.
For example : Include the HTML code snippet in to your blog to increase traffic.
Search engine visibility servcie is one of the factor to increase blog traffic . It is available at
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