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6 Trendy Hottest Steps To Build A Terrific Twitter Profile

6 Trendy Hottest Steps To Build A Terrific Twitter Profile

There’s a common thought that Twitter is just for teens… and celebrities having public breakdowns. But Twitter is a forerunner in the world of social marketing. Some of the top brands in the world, like Nike, Starbucks, and MTV all use Twitter to stay connected with their markets.

So How Do They Do It?

Twitter is easy enough to use on a basic level. However, with a handful of tweaks your Twitter profile can go from meh to amazing.

1.) Forget The Standard Background And Get Customized:

Shoot for a PNG image file less than 2MB in size and have it centered. Include a sidebar in the upper left corner with your company logo, contact information, and any other relevant information you want portrayed to the Twitter audience.

2.) Give Visitors A Taste Of What You Have To Offer:

Each Twitter profile page gives users the opportunity to bang out a mini-bio about themselves. It can be as professional, catchy, or interesting as you want, just don’t let the opportunity go to waste. It’s a great place to generate a one-liner bio or provide information such as your web address, location, business phone number, or a link to another site. If you’ve got the ability, use the one liner as a way to let it be known that your Twitter profile is one to follow.

3.) Make The Picture Count:

The profile picture on your account should represent yourself, brand, business, or organization. Make sure the image is high-quality and that the thumbnail version is something identifiable even in search results (that would be 81×81 px).

6 Trendy Hottest Steps To Build A Terrific Twitter Profile

4.) Be A Leader And A Follower:

To get a nice following on Twitter, it’s important to follow other accounts, but don’t think you have to follow everyone. Follow accounts that interest you or pertain to what you hope to accomplish on Twitter.

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As far as your tweets go, make them count. Your content should make people want to follow you, so it should be inspiring, entertaining, informative, or educational. Feel free to post links that have something to do with your Twitter page. For example, if you own a small cupcake stand, tweet out information about the industry to share with your fans.

If you read a tweet that you like, hit the retweet or favorite button so that your followers can also appreciate it. If someone interacts with you, respond with something simple (or get as long-winded at 140 characters allows for).

The only think you will want to avoid is going crazy with the hashtags. Use hashtags wisely so that #your #page #doesn’t #look #like #this.

Also, keep up with Twitter. A good rule of thumb is to post between 1-5 tweets per day so that followers have something to read that is coming straight from you. Ask for retweets, followers, and favorites; Twitter users know that’s what you want, so don’t be afraid to ask.

Keep in mind that almost every tweet should have a purpose.

5.) Say It Out Loud To Everyone:

Twitter has a direct messaging feature, but it pretty much negates the whole premise of the social networking platform. You want to tweet a lot even if it feels like you’re talking to yourself. This helps establish a voice on your page that others will pick up on. If you use direct messages for personal communication (why not just send an email?) then you will miss out on the community effect of twitter.

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6.) Be Trendy:

Trends on twitter show the popular topics being discussed in real time. Jump on the bandwagon if you have something to contribute. It can help amplify a message and generate conversation.

Get Tweeting: Follow these tips and you should find yourself enjoying the Twitter experience and what it can do for you.

About the Author:
Dana Rasmussen writes about social networking trends and how it pertains to the business world. She considers Twitter as much of a staple in the business world as office furniture.

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2 Responses to “6 Trendy Hottest Steps To Build A Terrific Twitter Profile”

  1. sonu kumar says:

    Thanks for sharing this post.
    Its great idea to increase traffic on twitter.

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