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How To Make A SEO Friendly Ecommerce Website?

How To Make A SEO Friendly Ecommerce Website?

SEO for Ecommerce websites is a tricky business. While one is dealing with an ecommerce website the problems as well as opportunities are manifold. In most of the ecommerce websites there are hundreds of pages. High number of pages increases chances of duplicate content, often branded negatively by Google. Besides, it also provides more options for fresh content development resulting in high rankings on search engines.

Why SEO For Ecommerce Website Is A Difficult Job?

An ecommerce website is very different from all the other types of websites. On one hand it has to deal with a large number of pages and on the other hand, the design, layout and navigation of the website, if neglected can drastically ruin sales generation. Above all, the owner and the team has to keep an eye on the traffic coming in and going out, number of visitors converting into customers and the amount of profit (if any!) generated by the website.

Keeping all these factors in mind, here is a summarized guide to achieve SEO for ecommerce websites and what trending in ecommerce sites..

Importance Of Keyword Research And Analysis Of The Results:

In any SEO business, keywords are the bricks and the fundamental units on which the building of your website is built. If you wrongly judge the keywords the benefit is already on your competitor’s side. Hence, the following steps are highly suggested to avoid unfortunate consequences.

How To Make A SEO Friendly Ecommerce Website?

  • Keywords should be searched before you start developing the content.
  • When you are searching for the keywords make sure that the search is targeted at achieving most appropriate keywords that lead to more visitors and give higher rankings in terms of your target customers rather than focusing on search engine rankings.
  • Keywords must contain brand names, product numbers and categories.
  • Include long tail keywords more than often.
  • Once the keywords are selected, content is uploaded and website is live, keep abreast your website with newest and latest SEO trends.

How Social Plugins Affect Ecommerce Website?

A recent study conducted by ExactTarget, Forrester Research, Gigya, Hubspot and Janrain suggests following stats:

  • 68% of the consumers choose social media to read reviews on different products.
  • 40% of consumers use their social logins for online shopping instead of creating new ones.
  • 80% of US consumers are connected with the brands through their social plugins.
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An interesting study conducted by Monetate shows that:

  • 65% of adult internet users have an account on at least one social media platform.
  • 58% of users who “like” a brand on facebook are expecting for a prize or discount.
  • Social login shoppers use facebook (60%) more than any other social websites. On the second position is Yahoo (12%), third is Twitter (11%), fourth Google (10%) and LinkedIn (7%) is fifth.
How To Make A SEO Friendly Ecommerce Website?

These and several other studies give us clear results of changing and evolving trends in ecommerce SEO. Keeping in view the above mentioned information, is it enough to put a social media icon in one of the corners of the website and then wait for the results? Definitely not! Here are some suggestions that will help you get the most out of your social plugins.

  • Give a clear call to action through your SMM campaign.
  • Propose discount offers on liking the page, no matter how small or trivial the offer might be.
  • Do not focus just on facebook, give proper attention to all other platforms as well.

Importance Of The Content In ECommerce Website Design And Development:

Whether it is SEO for ecommerce website or social media marketing, video marketing, blogging and affiliate marketing, the importance of content is undisputed. For an ecommerce website, nothing can generate as many leads as a user & SEO friendly content does. Here are some tips to get more business leads with the help of content.

How To Make A SEO Friendly Ecommerce Website?

  • If you are using product description used by the manufacturer make sure that you have tagged it with “NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW”. This will help you deal with Google Panda algorithm.
  • Use drop downs to showcase a single product with different features. i.e. if you are selling a pair of shoes with three different sizes and six colors, instead of creating nine different pages use drop down menus.
  • Adorn every page with different title descriptions and title tags.
  • Include a Q&A section in your website. This will allow you to add more original content on one hand and provide useful information to visitors on the other hand.
  • Invite and incentivize users to leave reviews.
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5 Bonus Tips:

Here are 4 bonus tips for making your ecommerce website design and development more productive.

  1. Make your landing page more attractive and up-to-date. This will give a positive image of you as a website owner.
  2. Keep everything as simple as possible. Visitors are repelled by perplexing navigation, too many pages, too many ads and babbling content.
  3. Use Google Analytics, Custom Report and Social Tracking to track who your customers are.
  4. Add crisp, clear and product oriented images and videos. Embedding video within your main content leaves positive results as it is easy to watch and does not consume much of the customers’ time.
  5. Include your company information whether you are targeting local market or not. This will create a feeling of trust and reliability in your customers.

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6 Responses to “How To Make A SEO Friendly Ecommerce Website?”

  1. Utkarsh Singh says:

    I think its important for all Ecommerce Website Owners to once take a look on this tutorial.Nice article..Good keep it up.
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  2. Anonymous says:

    Your site looks like a billboard of ads. There are more ads than content.

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