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How To Ping Your Blogger SiteMap To Top SE Via Online Tool?

How To Ping Your Blogger SiteMap To Top SE Via Online Tool?

Nearly 99% of us use SE for searching information that we want to know. A SE provides us links of webpages or blog that contains the information that we are looking after. If you own a blog then you might be doing everything possible to get more visits to your blog. To get traffics from search engines your blog must be indexed in the respective search engines. Your blog will be indexed in search engine only when you allow SE to crawl your site/blog and after Submitting Your Blog SiteMap to that search engine.

What Is A SiteMap?

A blog’s sitemap is a list of posts and pages available for public access. This list is usually index by crawlers and access by users or readers. Sitemap may be in a simple HTML format but modern web technology is use and recommend XML format. These format are always in hierarchical fashion. HTML sitemaps are user friendly i.e. readable by humans. XML sitemap are search engine friendly but not in readable format for humans. So the best way to get fast indexed is through to use XMl sitemap that every blog have it’s default.

What Is A Ping?

A Ping service, is basically a service that allow you to automatically notify a list of blog directories and search engines that your blog has been updated. In other words, that you’ve added or changed content. Although many blog services do this automatically (or at times too often), it can be useful as a tool when you want to notify these blog directories immediately after you’ve made a change or an addition. There are paid and free services to ping your blogs. There are also general ping services and specialized ping services. Specialized ping services are unique, and allow you to target specific audiences you’d like to reach.

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In other words Ping services allow you to automatically notify search engines and blog directories that your blog has been updated. The bigger your ping list the higher the chances of receiving traffic from those sources, so check out the list below and include it on your blog.

Before going through to this post, we recommend you to submit your sitemap to use and check your Robots.txt that will help you to get submitted fast. In this post we will discuss how to ping your blog’s sitemap to major search engines Google, Bing and Yandex.

Blogger SiteMap Links:

There are mainly two type of sitemap URL. All are XML but in wordpress, you have to make yourself so its URL is as you want but in Blogger, there is a default sitemap URL. Blogger blog’s sitemap is in XML format can be found in the below two type but you have to select the domain type first either you have custom domain or blogger default domain.


Ping Your Blogger SiteMap

Google, Bing, Yahoo And Yandex Pings Links:

Here are search engines pings url where you can ping your sitemap easily.


Note: About two years ago, there was an announcement of a merger between Yahoo! site explorer and Bing webmaster tool. Few months after the announcement, the algorithmic transition to Bing was completed. So if you submit on Bing, your sitemap will be automatically submitted to Yahoo also. And Bing also provides two URL for pings that we shared above Too.

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Automatically Ping Your SiteMap:

Ping To Google:

Ping To Bing:

Ping To Bing Via WebMaster:

Ping To Yandex:

Ping To Google Blog Search:

Manually Ping Your SiteMap:

If you own 1st type sitemap URL then here is the manually ping URL of the mentioned SE. Here you can ping your blog’s sitemap with the following methods through just changing your Blog URL…

For Google Search:

For Bing Search:

For Bing Search (Webmaster):

For Yandex Search:

For Google Blog Search:

But if you own 2st type sitemap URL then here is the manually ping URL of the mentioned SE. Here you can ping your blog’s sitemap with the following methods through just changing your Blog URL…

For Google Search:

For Bing Search:

For Bing Search (Webmaster):

For Yandex Search:

For Google Blog Search:

Note: If you have more than 500 posts then you have to do the above steps twice by changing the SiteMap URL that can be found Here.

Submission Successful Messages:

When you will ping your sitemap, you will receive success message at your browser that will be like below. If you got any error that mean you go wrong so try again with full concentration.

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Bing Submission Successful Message
Bing Submission Successful Message

Google Sitemap Notification Received
Google Sitemap Notification Received

Some Third Parties Online Ping Tools:

If you want to use third parties Ping tools too that will ping your sitemap to other SE too, Then we recommend you to use the following list that we also used and found it better.


You can also Submit your Blogger sitemap to webmaster but through pinging it daily this after submitting sitemap, It will increase the chance to submit your sitemap on priority basis. Sitemap pinging is also possible using online ping tools but this is directly o the world top SE pingin link that can respond faster. If you have any query or feedback, don’t forget to leave the comment box empty…

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