Do you feel like you’ve been tweeting into a vacuum? You keep putting yourself out there, but all you get in return is the echo of your own voice. Well, don’t give up. The cyber silence you are experiencing does not mean that you are a social reject. More likely, you are not maximizing your twitter account’s effectiveness. Your tweets aren’t just falling on deaf ears – they’re not reaching any ears at all.
Here are a few tips that will help you generate an attentive flock of followers and allow you to engage on Twitter in a meaningful way.
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Blank Faces Scare People:
Unless your name is Humpty Dumpty, you likely do not resemble the Twitter egg icon. You need to replace this default image with a profile picture that proves you are an authentic person and not a spammer.
Use a professional-looking photo that looks good when reduced to the small avatar format. Make your own image the focus. A Disney World shot of you with Huey, Dewey, and Louie, for example, won’t achieve the desired effect. It is also a good idea to keep your photo consistent across social media platforms. This way you become recognizable to potential followers.
Showcase Your Wit, Not The Fact That You’re A Twit:
Your bio can literally make or break you. Nobody enjoys verbal diarrhea, so keep it short – but not too short. Simply writing that you are a “die-hard fan of One Direction who also suffers from Bieber Fever” will not only frighten away everyone over the age of twelve, it also fails to reveal much about your writing style or who you are as a person.
Be clever. Give them something to laugh at or think about. Make them want to come back for more. Also, use your bio as an opportunity to link to your blog, website, or other social media accounts.
Be Yourself, Unless You’re Really Boring:
This may sound cliché, but being your authentic self is an important part of successfully navigating the social media world – unless you are known as the human sedative. Most people however are quite interesting, especially when they are talking about the things that matter to them most.
Maintaining a false persona is not only exhausting, but unless you are an Oscar Award-winning actor, people will eventually realize you are a fake. It is best to stick with a voice that comes naturally to you.
Writing about the things that interest you make your posts more vibrant and alive. It also enables you to develop your own niche. If you love quirky humor, your followers will come to expect that, and you will become the place to go to for clever wit.
Don’t Be A Jerk:
Yes, some people have achieved fame by being giant ignoramuses, but most rude people don’t do very well in real life – or on Twitter. Being nice, not naughty, is the best way to win followers. One caveat, however, is that you do not want your tweets to be sickening sweet either. Marsha Brady and her siblings would likely have enjoyed a rather scant twitter following.
Don’t Talk To The Unconscious:
If you’re tweeting while your audience is asleep, you are in fact, tweeting into a giant black hole. No wonder you’re not getting a response. Try to tweet your best material during the prime hours for social media, particularly during the working hours from Monday to Friday. If you really want to maximize your potential audience, target the American East Coast time zone and do some evening posts to draw in the West Coast afternoon followers as well.
Be More Than Noise:
If you are tweeting without a purpose, odds are that people might be growing weary of your voice.
A great way to engage your audience is to ask them a question – preferably one that will spark a conversation. If you are re-sharing a news story or other link, make it fresh by including your own take on it. Always tweet as if you are trying to have a real face-to-face conversation. You need to encourage a response, seek the opinions of others, and listen.
By trying these simple tips, you will quickly leave the Twitter void and join the busily tweeting masses. If these don’t work, maybe it is you. But that’s a topic for a whole other article.
What Tips Or Secrets Can You Pass On To A Lonely Tweeter? Share Your Hints In The Comment Box…

Kimberley Laws is a freelance writer and avid blogger. She is a social media addict who has written on many topics including internet reputation management services, social media marketing, and business advice for WAHM’s. She wrote many article for us too here.
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