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The Ever Best Twitter Add-Ons For Bloggers In 2013

The Ever Best Twitter Add-Ons For Bloggers In 2013

Finding ways to utilize social media is a crucial part of owning a blog. However sometimes it can be hard to find the best ways of doing so; managing your Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Reddit feeds can be a real pain, so here are a few of the ways that you can easily use Twitter to your advantage as a blogger.


This is a browser-based app, for Chrome, Safari or Firefox, that will transform a Gmail account into a small, private Twitter account. What this means is that rather than using your main Twitter account, you can use your email contacts as followers and Tweet them, while also getting their latest Tweets and social media information. While it might not sound like something that you will find useful, bloggers will always want to promote their blog to people who have influence in the community; this could be a great way to target people who you know have a lot of power to get you more views.

Grab Inbox:

As previously mentioned, most bloggers will have accounts across a range of social media. This app allows you to connect your Twitter, Facebook (both personal and fan pages) and LinkedIn accounts to once central program. You can then simply Tweet or post messages to all of your accounts without having to log into each individual account — the best way to get a simple ‘canned’ message out promoting your blog to the masses, without having to spend hours on social media sites.

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Available as both a mobile and browser-based app, Buffer is a way to plan upcoming Tweets to be posted as you choose. You can synchronize the schedule of your blog posts with Tweets about it; if you are out of town or simply like to write your posts days in advance of release, you can make your life of promoting your blog a lot easier than it would otherwise be. This way you will never forget to Tweet about a blog release, maximizing the number of viewers you will receive.


If you are a successful blogger with a lot of Twitter followers, you might want to decide to clean out who you are personally following from time to time. This is a tool that allows you to follow or unfollow accounts without having to individually view profiles; all you have to do is use a checkbox to select who you want to unfollow, and then you’re done. Similarly you can block people from viewing your Tweets, which is very useful for popular bloggers who get a lot of spam or hate Tweets.

Best Twitter Add-Ons

Using this application you can combine a RSS feed with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or a Tumblr blog. This allows you to closely monitor the popular parts of your blog, the links which are most clicked, the number of visitors/followers you have and a range other information which RSS feeds allow for.

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Bloggers who want a way to organize the links that they share should use The format is very user-friendly, and allows you to read the links that your followers have shared in a newspaper column view, so that you can rank your favorites.

Hoot Suite:

This app has been referred to as the ‘Twitter toolbox’, as it is an online platform and mobile application which allows bloggers to manage a large amount of social networking accounts. You can use it to make posts across a range of media sites, and you can even link between accounts and schedule when posts will be made. The value of having a coordinated social networking plan should never be underestimated; that extra bit of effort that the blogs you are competing with aren’t putting in might just make you the top blogging dog.

Chitty Chat:

As great as Twitter is for mass communication, sometimes you want to have a private conversation outside of the not-so-great Twitter user interface. This is an application which works in a similar way to an instant messaging service, where you can chat in real time with specific Twitter members. This is the sort of app that connects you to the powerful and well-known bloggers in the world, and perhaps you can use to your advantage.

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About the Author:
Hi! I’m Nellie and currently work as a lecturer in programming and accounting. I’m always eager to find out something new and become familiar with it. I love to deal with researches and want to develop in the field of writing. Moreover, I started moving in this direction! I work as a writer for, which arranges everything in the way every Ajax assignments become clear.

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4 Responses to “The Ever Best Twitter Add-Ons For Bloggers In 2013”

  1. angry Birds games says:

    I heard about twitter ad on’s a lot do they really work as they are famous ?

  2. Social media is the best platform to advertise & promote your brand. This will reach a high number of audiences.

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