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Stylish Facebook Like Box POP-UP With Timer For Blog & Website

Facebook Like Box POP-UP With Timer

This is other cool jQuery popup for facebook like box with official which comes with a same facebook skin and really smooth to produce.This equal box contains a facebook like fix so that your readers/visitors can similar your fan attendant directly finished this pop up also it contains a modify mortal which is linked to your facebook fan author. The installation of this gadget is extremely rich, your rightful effort to make and adhesive the encipher after dynamical the facebook username. Now lets see how to add it to blogger journal. Forward see demo of the same box by clicking on the add below.

Get the more fans to your fanpage blogger by adding a popup facebook like box to your blogspot.By adding this customized widget may know the visitors to know the number of people like your website and join your site directly. Facebook likebox is widely used social plugin from Facebook developers. The importance of the Facebook Likebox is tremendous in terms of the number of likes it brings. About 90+ % of the fans that you can get here from the Like box installed on the blog.

Today we’ll be sharing the latest Facebook Lightbox style popup widget that you can add to your blogger blog (blogspot). There are only one simple step to add is quickly.To get this widget follow below procedure…

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1.) Un-Blockable POP-UP By All Browsers.
2.) POP-UP With LightBox Effect.
3.) Close Button Also Included To Close Before AutoTimer.
4.) Quick To Load And Easy To Install.
5.) Simple And Stylish Design.
6.) Auto Close After Some Time With Showing Count Down Added.
7.) Same Design As Facebook Theme.
8.) Fully Customizable.
9.) Attract Your Visitor To Like Your Page.
10.) Only JQuery 1.8.2 Added Externally.

How To Add In Blogspot?

1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire Blog.
3.) Go To “Layout“.
4.) Click “Add A Gadget” Where You Want To Add It.
5.) Now Scroll To “HTML-JAVASCRIPT
6.) Click “+” Icon To Add It.
7.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It To There.
8.) Leave The Title Empty.
9.) Click Save, Now You Are Done.

How To Add In Website?

1.) Just Go To Your HTML File.
2.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It Between <body> </body>.
3.) Save It, Now You Are Done.

<!-- Facebook POPUP LikeBox With Timer Code Start -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<style type='text/css'>
#exepopup{background-color:#fff;position: fixed;top:50%;z-index:9999;display:none;padding:0px;left:50%;border:10px solid rgba(82, 82, 82, 0.7);-webkit-background-clip: padding-box; /* for Safari */background-clip: padding-box; /* for IE9+, Firefox 4+, Opera, Chrome */-webkit-border-radius:8px 8px 8px 8px;-moz-border-radius:8px 8px 8px 8px;border-radius:8px 8px 8px 8px;width:400px;height:360px;margin-left:-200px;margin-top:0px;overflow:hidden;}#exepopup span{font-size:20px !important;font-weight:bold !important;}#exepopup h1{background:#6d84b4 url( 98% no-repeat;border:1px solid #3b5998 !important;color:#FFFFFF !important;font-size:20px !important;font-weight:700 !important;padding:5px !important;margin:0 !important;font-family:'"lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif !important;overflow:hidden !important;}.exepopupdata{font-size:12px !important;font-weight:normal !important;height:265px !important;padding:1px !important;background:#fff !important;border-bottom:2px solid #ddd;overflow:hidden !important;}#exepopupfooter{text-align:left;background:#F2F2F2 !important;height:56px !important;padding:10px 10px 10px 10px !important;overflow:hidden !important;}#exepopupclose{float:right;background-color:#eee !important;border:1px solid #ccc !important;color:#111 !important;font-weight:bold !important;padding:5px 8px 5px 8px !important;text-decoration:none !important;display:inline-block !important;font-family:'"lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif !important;outline:none !important;position:relative !important;font-size:18px !important;margin:1px !important;}#exepopupclose:active{top:1px;left:1px;}</style>
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
function exepopupfunc()  {
var sec = 10
var timer = setInterval(function() {
$("#exepopupfooter span").text(sec--);
if (sec == 0) {
var exepopupwindow = jQuery(window).height();
var exepopupdiv = jQuery("#exepopup").height();
var exepopuptop = jQuery(window).scrollTop()+50;
//var exepopupww = jQuery(window).width();
//var exepopupwww = jQuery("#exepopup").width();
//var exepopupleft = (exepopupww-exepopupwww)/2;
var exepopupleft = 500;
//var exepopupwindow = jQuery(window).height();
//var exepopupdiv = jQuery("#exepopup").height();
//var exepopuptop = (jQuery(window).scrollTop()+exepopupwindow-exepopupdiv) / 2;
jQuery("#exepopup").animate({opacity: "1", left: "0" , left:  exepopupleft}, 0).show();
jQuery("#exepopupclose").click(function() {
jQuery("#exepopup").animate({opacity: "0", left: "-5000000"}, 1000).show();});});
<div id="exepopup">
<h1>Join Us On Facebook</h1>
<div class="exepopupdata"><iframe src=";width=400&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;border_color=%23fff&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;height=250" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:400px; height:250px;" allowtransparency="true"></iframe></div>
<div id="exepopupfooter">Please Wait <span>10</span> Seconds...!!!<a href="#" id="exepopupclose" onclick="return false;">Skip</a></div></div>
<!-- Facebook POPUP LikeBox With Timer Code End -->


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1.) Change Red Text According To Your Desired Time To Automatically Closed In Seconds.
2.) Change Blue Text With Your Facebook FanPage URL.
3.) Change Purple Text With Your POPUP Heading.
4.) Change Pink Text With Close Button Text.
5.) Save And Done.


1.) If You Want One Tiome POPUp Or Once In A Week Or Month Or This Widget Code Is Not Working On Your Blog Template Then Try This New Updated With Fixed Bug Code And Full Of Customization At Stylish LightBox POP-UP Facebook Like Box [Updated] Widget For Blog & Website
2.) If You Want To Lite Up Your Blog Template Or Want Quick Load Time Then Get This Widget In CSS Only Without J-Query…

You Like It, Please Share This Recipe With Your Friends Using...

205 Responses to “Stylish Facebook Like Box POP-UP With Timer For Blog & Website”

  1. Admin says:

    not working.

    if u want to contribute then plz make something useful. that code is not working

    • EXEIdeas says:

      If This Widget Code Is Not Working On Your Blog Template Then Try This Updated With Fixed Bug Code At
      Stylish LightBox POP-UP Facebook Like Box [Updated] Widget For Blog & Website

    • Melaka Shop says:

      that dude is so rude to my friend 😀

    • EXEIdeas says:

      To @Melaka Shop
      Some Guy’s Can Add The Code Properly So It’s There Right To Ask For Help…

  2. Hey dude, It’s working nicely. Thank you for that great widget. work smart…!

  3. private investigators uk says:

    is there a way i can put google plus and tweet in this box?

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Yeh, Just Add Google Plus Add To Circle Widget And Follow Me On Twitter Widget Code Just Below The Following Code…

      < iframe src=”//″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ style=”border:none; overflow:hidden; width:300px; height:258px;” allowtransparency=”true”>< /iframe>

      If You Did Not Have Google Plus Add To Circle Widget And Follow Me On Twitter Widget Code Feel Free To Ask.

  4. Anonymous says:

    cheers it works

    • tell me something ….can be done that after a visitor give’s a like the box never appears?
      I mean if I give a like second time when I enter on the site that box with “Like us” doesn’t appear.
      I used your cod here and it works great,it’s on the main well done

    • i’m interested of this because on my site the box it’s on the main,just in main not in categories.
      and wen a visitor returns from one category to main page it must close the like box.
      Can that be solved
      if liked…….never show a code something?:)

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Sorry, There Is No Code After Liking Up Facebook Page But If You Want To Appear It One Time Only Just Check The Given Line In The Code

      if (document.cookie.indexOf(‘visited=flase’) == -1) {

      And Change It To

      if (document.cookie.indexOf(‘visited=true’) == -1) {

      Save And Done…

  5. I like it, thanks

  6. Hi!
    if I just need the -Like button and the fans without the blackboard, which is the html code?thanks!

  7. Em Ji Madhu says:

    Its not working on my blog… can you help me???

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hi Muhammad! Great widget here! Can you tell me is there a way to make it appear only one time per IP address, or one time per user – daily? I will post this on my index page, but it may be a problem if this pop ups on every refresh and page visit for the same visitor. Best wishes!

  9. democratic hackers says:

    i want a floating facebook like box.which floats over the screen when we close that like box.pls upload

  10. Sathishkumar says:

    How to add it in wordpress blog ?

  11. lee says:

    working perfect on my website thank you very much

  12. Sasidhar Kareti says:

    Thanks! really gud…pls visit back

  13. Rikk's Heart Speaks says:

    Thanx a lot 🙂 Working Fine (18+)

    • EXEIdeas says:

      You Are Welcome, Check Our New Version Without JQuery, Only CSS…Have A Look On The Article Again And Check The Last Line
      “Get This Widget In CSS Only Without J-Query…”

  14. Anonymous says:

    greate work but it didn’t work in my site

  15. It works Lovely! Thanks a lot bro! I was looking for this since long time!

  16. Nurudeen Shittu says:

    Pls help me is not working on my blog

  17. Dilip Verma says:

    please help
    when i am using this code then my slideshow stop woring in the blog
    please help me

    my blog

  18. Ijaz Jaan says:

    nice sharing like lonleyarts

  19. The Mommist says:

    Cool! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  20. OSemTV says:

    Salam, Hai, Muhammad Hassan, how to put this code at clipbucket?

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Just Add The HTML Code In The WebPage…

    • OSemTV says:

      Problem is.

      Fatal error: Smarty error: [in /home/mysite/public_html/styles/Clipbucket Back Stage Template/layout/index.html line 14]: syntax error: unidentified token ‘.cookie.indexOf(‘visited=flase’)’ (Template_Compiler.class.php, line 1408) in /home/mysite/public_html/includes/templatelib/Template.class.php on line 1095

    • EXEIdeas says:

      It’s Means That Your Platform Does Not Support Extra Coding…

  21. puja malhotra says:

    thank u so much for this….its working fine on my blog….:)

  22. ashok kumar says:

    could you plz help me how can i put this only in home page instead of getting in every page

    thanks for sharing

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Just Add Below Line Before The Provided Code…
      < b:if cond=’data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl’>
      And Below Line After The Provided Code
      < /b:if>

  23. Bank PO Coaching says:

    I have one question regarding this script. I added this scrip in my blog but I want that this script run only once at first time but it run every time when we move from one page to another.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      If You Want To Appear It One Time Only Just Check The Given Line In The Code

      if (document.cookie.indexOf(‘visited=flase’) == -1) {

      And Change It To

      if (document.cookie.indexOf(‘visited=true’) == -1) {

      Save And Done…

    • Mimi says:

      This line “if (document.cookie.indexOf(‘visited=flase’) == -1) {” you are talking about is not in the script, how can i change it to popup once per visit? Please help i have not seen that line

    • EXEIdeas says:

      That is the customization of other code that is linked in the below of article. Go to that article and make one time popup there.

  24. DJLOXICO says:

    Hello Muhammad,

    I like to know how can visitors join on the site by clicking the Like button with out clicking out of the facebook like box to see the site so if visitors visit my site they need to click the Like button by mandatory to have full access to the site if they dont click the Like button they can’t see nothing

    Thank’s for the cool script man

    • EXEIdeas says:

      You Are Welcome, This Is A Simple POPUP, You Can Add Anything In It. It Is Not Related To FaceBook So It Has No Facebook Functions…:-(

    • DJBLOXICO says:

      Will be better if a visitor click Like so when they click Like the box automatic close so if the same visitor come back to the site the pop up never pop up for that visitors because he already like the site

    • EXEIdeas says:

      This Is A Simple POP UP And Not Related To Any Function Related To Facebook…

  25. Titus says:

    Its really Cool yaar , Thanks for the Code 🙂

  26. Anonymous says:

    Thank you very much!

  27. SACHIN MS says:

    thanks muhammad Gee its working well

  28. Hiran kl says:

    This is working fine
    but entry script is not working by add this in my blogspot
    help me to solve this problem

  29. Crack Rule says:

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  30. maulik ramakant sonpar says:

    Hi Muhammad, I am getting error saying ” Could not retrieve the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in. ” what should I do ?!

    I tried both without jquery and other version too…..:( but getting same error repeatedly 🙁 ( I have pasted the URL of my Blogsite under my name )

    Maulik Sonpar

  31. Buatbest says:

    hi Dude.. Like! for ur cool widget..! thanks..!

  32. Veenaa Aiyer says:

    Hey, thanks for the post. It is working fine but I want to make a small change to it. I want the pop up to appear once in every 30 days for the same IP address and also once the person likes the page, I dont want the pop up to ever come for them. Please solve these two requirements by stating exactly what changes I have to make in the code given above by for blogs. I have absolutely no knowledge when it comes to coding but I am a fast learner so please give me clear cut instructions regarding the changes to be made.

    PS: If possible do drop by my blog and read some of the articles I have written. Intending to be a published writer some day.

    • Veenaa Aiyer says:

      Too bad because it gets to be very annoying if the popup keeps coming up every time u refresh the screen and also to people who have liked it already….thanks anyways….I found this really complicated code in another site which fulfills my requirements but its not working….yours seem to work but they are not as per my requirements so I guess it’s my bad luck…..keep hunting it is…thanks anyways…keep posting !

    • EXEIdeas says:

      You Can Only Hide It On User Cookies Data Base, You Can Not Customize It On Days Or Liked.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      You Can Stop It On User Cookies Data, One He Visited, It Will Never POPUP Untill He Clear It Cookies…

      Can I See The Link So I Will Try To Update That Code That Full Fill Your Desire…

  33. المغرب says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
    I Tried this code in script vbultin and wp, but it did not work
    Please help and modified
    This link Forum
    This link my Facebook account

  34. Anonymous says:

    How can i put complete url of fb page.. because the page name is conflicting as you know facebook allows similar page names..

  35. Amar Singh says:

    Wow, that’s amazing. working fine cheers

  36. Arvind Yadav says:

    is there any way to block share pop-up?(when u click on like then share pop-up comes is there any way to block/disable.)

  37. mariam says:

    hi it works fine but it interferes with my jquery slider which now no longer appears. can you help me please. my site is

  38. Places u like says:

    hey admin hope you are doing good…i have installed this pop-up on my blog its quite nice but it became a headach when it started to apear on every visit and page refresh,,i tried to change ”visited=false” to true…it the widget doesnt apear ib my layout ….please tell me how can i remove or edit this widget

  39. Vinay Sharma says:

    My Self Vinay i have blog with the name of i put ur code in my site for extra liks but it goes all wrong my blog thumnails are gone i delete your code but it still in my website i change template but not working plz help me out

  40. Anonymous says:

    this is my url too much long
    doesn’t work for me

  41. Administrador says:

    How do I remove the close button? I want the person only has access to the blog is if like the page, is it possible?
    Greats from Brazil

  42. shash z says:

    pop up box is always being hidden behind the image slider. sort out this problem please.

  43. Djerba en poche says:


    I just want to tell you that in Internet Explorer Browser, the BUTTON: select all the code don’t work.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Hello, We Support Chrome And FireFox Due To It’s Market, IE Is No More In Our Eyes, So Please Upgrade Your Browser To A Rated Browser To Be Fast And Workable…

  44. Parveen Sharma says:

    ur fb page like script not working for bloger

  45. Noble Smile Family and Cosmetic Dentistry says:

    You made some clear points there. I did a search on the topic and found most people will go along with with your website.

  46. Darlm says: do I make the pop-up only appear once? my site is Riddimzragga

  47. သစ္ဆန္းခန္႔ says:

    please give me video guide 🙂

  48. manu says:

    hello sir…..these codes are not working on my blog when i changed it waiting time then it’s not working…..please solve this…thanks

  49. Yo TV says:

    Hi! it works perfectly on my blog but I’m having problem on my other javascript code, like my slider. My featured post slider doesn’t show if I use this Like Box. Hope you can help me. Thanks in advance!

  50. ismat dyanah says:

    it’s not working at all…

  51. bhargav karthik tunuguntla says:

    Dude im getting ur exeideas facebook page as popup 😛 hw to get my page?

  52. op sharma says:

    sir,i have tried it but like button does not show please give me solution immm=ediately

  53. says:

    Thanks for the coding. this is very much usefull for me

    by admin,

  54. shakir says:

    Mr hassan I try above code, but it doesn’t work. my

    Please send suggestion to

  55. wajid khan says:

    Please help me is there any popup like box for blogger which would not appear again if liked and please send html code or link where i can get it to

  56. omkar fatale says:

    Hey thank you for this. It worked but as it was increasing the loading time so I removed it.
    bytheway thanks..
    The Latest Tricks And Hacks

  57. Not working on my blog. the box comes out but no members showing.

  58. M. Yakub Chowdhury says:

    Hi, I have added it. Its working. I need your help to get the code you used in a pop down where Facebook likes Twitter Google+ and RSS included.

  59. Melaka Shop says:

    Really Awesome!! <3 <3 <3

  60. Mirza Arslan says:

    background is not working there is not background displaying in my can i fix it…

  61. Praveen Bhardwaj says:

    I really needed this thing. Thanks for sharing. Nice Post!

  62. krish says:

    Great jquary Popup news. This is the kind of info I need…concrete suggestions to increase business. You don’t know what a treasure you are. I love your blog.


  63. Kishor Kc says:

    hello there, it worked perfectly on by blog
    but I wana change the widgets white backgroung colour in to black because my blog background also white. any help?

  64. Welcome says:

    Hi i just add this on my but transparency is not look so good, how to set a white no transparency of this script?

  65. Dental Clinic says:

    I’m putting this thing on my website. Thanks!

  66. Soki Briggs says:

    I am looking for facebook like / Related post that shows at the corner of the screen.
    do you have a post or the name for that?

  67. Hello,

    I’m a beginner with jQuery. Thanks a lot for this code, it works good. I have a little question : “Is it possible to add behind the window a background color (like black) with transparency opacity to recover the full page ?”. Like this exemple :

    Thanks a lot

  68. Aas Mohammd says:

    this code not working in ie7,ie8 please reply

  69. Aas Mohammd says:

    not showing any thing in dialog box just blank but working in mozilla

  70. Louisa Moje says:

    Hi, I added the code above but it keeps appearing whenever refreshed or a new page is loaded. Please, how can I make it appear ONLY once? I can’t find line #10 to change it to FALSE. Thank you

  71. Anju Lak says:

    Hi i am getting popup box but it will be blank no fans snap and like buttn over there cn you help me plz

    Thank you

  72. احمد says:

    works great thanks admin

  73. devendra Kumar munta says:

    Excelent post this worked fot me I never expected such a simple solution for my requirement thank you I appreciate the effort.

  74. Results Saifi says:

    thats great popup like box of facebook, i am using this widget on my blog, its working properly. Thanks for sharing

  75. Anonymous says:

    Thank you. Work nice.
    But pleace if you can add javascript cookie option to show one time for first visitor.
    (Sorry for my English)

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome Here And Thanks For Liking, We HAve A Cookies Based POPUP Here At: Stylish LightBox POP-UP Facebook Like Box [Updated] Widget For Blog & Website
      Give It A Try…

  76. Mario Zeleny says:

    There is a ton of code and tutorials for WordPress but very little for fancying up blogger. I was going to give up; you were my last try.

    I cannot thank you enough for sharing this. You have just won a very devoted customer!

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Yes, When I Started This Blog, This Is The Main Reason Behind It And I Promised Myself Never To Shift My Blog On WordPress Ever As I Loved Blogspot. Anyway Welcome Here And Thanks For Liking Our Content With Heart. Be With Us To Get More Code And Please Keep Blogging.

  77. Kunal Kothari says:

    great post.I have created a widget generator for this widget on my,user can directly install this plugin on their blogs.

  78. Baruk Obamu says:

    Excuse me can you help me? I havent problems with installing it but i needed popup box with no close button so i removed the SKIP button and changed time to 0 so it wont dissapear. My problem is that i press like then i press confirm and the page is liked but the window doesnt dissapear >.> i need it to dissapear AFTER i press like/confirm buttons. can you tell me what to do?

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Thanks For Using Our Widget. It Can Close On Your Desired Time But Can’t Close After Page Like Because It’s Not Related To Facebook API. Leave Your Blog URL To Have A Look On Your Matter…

  79. Marwoto Kawer says:

    The pop up keeps on showing, even if a visitor had already liked the page.

  80. Lily Seymour says:

    My pop-up is blank, all I did was added my the end part of my URL Can you tell me what I did wrong?

  81. Poky S says:

    Bro the code works great, but the header slider stopped working after i added this widget . When i delete this code ‘’ , the slider works but the widget doesn’t work . Can you help me. This is my blog –

  82. dani sukma says:

    Thank you for sharing. I’ve been using facebook with pop up timer like tutorials from you. but with the style that I used from other references. visit my blog at

  83. PinoyTV says:

    Hey Dude, Thanks a lot for this plug-in, I’ve been searching something like this and now if found it. I’m gonna use this plug-in on my blog.

  84. Netdost says:

    its not working with a normal website, may be it works only for blogs

  85. madiha Naz says:

    Thanks admin its really a good and hardworking job currently doing you are. This help me a lot to get more likes on my Facebook page, Thanks again. Visit 4 watch UK, USA Worldwide HD Tv channels online Free 🙂

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome Here And Thanks For Liking Our Code And Using It. You Will Soon Get More Likes ON Your Facebook Fan Page Too By Converting Your Visitor Into Fans.

  86. article highly qualified friend .., thanks for sharing information, if interested please visit my blogs there is a lot of articles that may be read friend, Main thing is that you need to seo work If do seo for my blog Info Blog Indonesia as my blog have 3000+ visitor and I want 5000

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome Here And Thanks For Liking Our Articles. Are You Using Al In One Meta Tags For Blogger? If Not Then Its The First Step. Do It Now.

  87. galaxystuffs says:

    Hi…i face problem on mobile view..widget not properly fit on screen…

  88. galaxystuffs says:

    Can’t properly fit on my website please help

  89. QuickHaraj says:

    Informative post thanks for sharing

  90. mahesh ab says:

    It is the good course content. It is very so much valuable content. I hope these Commenting lists will help my website.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you with more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks again.

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