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How To Customize Blog Post Headings With Extra CSS In Blogspot?

How To Customize Blog Post Headings With Extra CSS In Blogspot?

The Question Is How To Customize Blog Post “Heading, Subheading, Minor heading” Formats With Extra CSS In Blogspot To Spice Up Your Blog?
The Blogger post headings of article is one of many important factors in order to encourage readers on reading our blog articles. That’s because the Blogger headings title is the first thing that visitors will see at the first time when landing to your blog post. So, no wonder that many bloggers i’ve met around the blogosphere always maximize the interface of blogger post headings of their blogs.

There are many benefits that we can get if we can maximize the interface of the Blogger post title, and one of those benefits is to increase the number of pageviews of our blog. Interested to style the Blogger post title in your blog into the CSS Capitalize, Uppercase or Lowercase character with the CSS property “text-transform”, here’s how to do that..

In this tutorial, I’ll tell you how to fully customize the post headings title font by going to Advanced that is generally three, Heading Means <h2>, Subheading Means <h3>, Minor heading Means <h3>.

Many of the templates both from the Blogger template designer and Custom templates leave the post headings fairly standard.When it comes to fonts, sizes, colors etc.. the headings titles on almost all blogs have the same design. But you can add some spice to your post headings titles without too much hard work and adding even a few minor customizations can make all the difference. Every Blogger template has a small piece of Css that controls how the Post Headings titles appear and by adding or changing small pieces of code we can change the appearance.

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So in this post among other changes to your blog post headings titles we will see, How To Add CSS, Change The Size, Change The Color, Change The Background Color or add A Background Image, Change The Font Family and more..
First make sure to back up your template, I’m sure you wont make a mistake but just in case.With that done lets look at some of the effects we can add to Blogger post titles.


1.) You Can Spice Up Your Blog Post Headings Formats Only.
2.) Full CSS Support/Code.
3.) Easy To Add And Awesomer In Look.
4.) Can Add Every CSS Property.
5.) It Will Be Displayed On Every Places, Labels Page, Main Page, Search Page, Article Page.
6.) Best For SEO And SMO.
7.) Heading Means <h2>, Subheading Means <h3>, Minor heading Means <h3>
8.) You Can Also Change Or Add Extra CSS.
9.) Quick To Load And Small In Size.
10.) Cool Codes With Optimization.

How To Add In Blogspot?

1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire Blog.
3.) Go To Template.
4.) Click “Edit HTML”.
5.) Now Find “]]></b:skin>
6.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste Before It.
7.) Customize It.
8.) Click Save, Now You Are Done.

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“Heading” CSS Code:

.post h2 {
//Your Extra CSS Here//

“Subheading” CSS Code:

.post h3 {
//Your Extra CSS Here//

“Minor heading” CSS Code:

.post h4 {
//Your Extra CSS Here//


1.) Change The CSS Codes With Your Desire.
2.) Add Extra CSS In Space Of //Your Extra CSS Here//.
3.) Feel Free To Ask More.

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33 Responses to “How To Customize Blog Post Headings With Extra CSS In Blogspot?”

  1. Kamran Khan says:

    hmmm…So Nice
    ! useful. Keep it up

  2. ŤĦe Løvęŕ says:

    nyc post dear

  3. Harus says:

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  4. Thanks for sharing information

  5. Rahul Kashyap says:

    really Awesome tips thanks for sharing this 🙂

    Rahul Kashyap
    Blogs: |

  6. EXEIdeas says:

    Thanks, Keep Visiting But Use Less Links In Comments.

  7. Not Working On My Blog…. reply on

  8. John Francel Abaricia says:

    thanks for this I will try to my blog.

  9. Love you are simply awesome.

  10. Hasan vaijan I do want to make my blog subheading little customization.check this link and hope you understood what I exactly mean.Waiting for your rply.
    advance thanks to you.

  11. Utkarsh Singh says:

    Do I need to paste all of the codes given above ]]>.
    And what CSS should i paste inplace of Your CSS Code Here ??

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Yes, You Have To Add It In Blogger CSS, In Last Line, You Can Add Your CSS Like Borders, Background, Shares, Font etc…

  12. Utkarsh Singh says:

    from where I can get all these css styles ?? 😀

  13. Prashanth raj says:

    How to change the design of the heading?

  14. prince says:

    very nice information! I’ll integrate it to my blog soon. Thanks

  15. Swapnil says:

    Superb Bro. It will really affect the give more traffic and rank in search visibility. Thanks for this idea!

  16. thanks brother for this informative post

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks for reading this article.

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