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EXEIdeas – Let's Your Mind Rock » FaceBook / FaceBook Tricks » How To Write Numeric Code Of Facebook Page Profile For Facebook?

How To Write Numeric Code Of Facebook Page Profile For Facebook?

How To Write Numeric Code Of Facebook Page/Profile For Facebook?

I Am Here To Solve How To Tag Or Mention Someone’s Profile Or Page In Your Status, Comment, Photo Or Video To Inform Him As Be Listed In His Notification Lists And Also Will Be Redirected To That Profile After Click On That Blue Tag Text In An Easy Way? Similar to mentioning someone on Twitter , Facebook also allows you to do the same by using the @ symbol followed by the beginning of the page you want to tag. Once you insert the @ symbol a drop down list will appear like below so you can choose whom you want to spark a conversation with. Once you have tagged a Facebook page, not only will they page owner see receive a notification to know they have been tagged but everyone who reads your post can now see the business’ page as well. Hopefully they will appreciate the extra awareness.

There are people who post about text arts in Facebook status but have you seen any of such arts in blue color or with SeeMore text? Have you seen the same Blue Text In Facebook arts linking to a particular Facebook Fan Page? Some might have been seen this. Few days ago, I heard a trick to tag someone with a different name on Facebook but that trick is not working now as Facebook patched it. But now, the same trick is working again but with some conditions. Also, Text arts like memes can also be made. This sounds cools and also when you see such Facebook posts, you will be wondering how they do it! Now, it’s time for you to create such arts.

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As you also have seeing in some status of Facebook that after clicking on the status it will be redirect to Facebook Fan Page Or someone Facebook Profile.Now it is solved for everyone and is out for you. So for this you have to get ID of that target first and the golden formula by which you can create your working URL In your Facebook status easily. Today I Am Going To Tell You How To Get Numeric Code With Link Of Facebook Page?

How To Write Numeric Code Of Facebook Page/Profile For Facebook?

Before Continiuing To Our Main Tuotorial, Just Have A Look On Common Msg That Is Running On Facebook As You Have Also Seen Some Message Like This In That After Answering, There Appear A Text That Is Also Linked To There Location…

1.) Copy this two lines :-@+[267642143271329:0] @+[311722825508110:0]2.) Paste on the comment line,3.) Cut off the +,4.) Press “Enter”,And See The Magic…!!!


‎!!..Best Game Of The day..!!Just Imagine,you broke up wit ur lover. After 10years you see him/her. If u say ♥“HEY, I LOVE YOU” ♥What would be his/her reply?To know, ♥>Copy ANY ONE of the the lines below. ♥@+[145480518867077:0]@+[227988461157:0]@+[207496440029:0]@+[250786013666:0]@+[109640345768180:0]@+[105641799525521:0]@+[192333250788571:0]@+[113119318702609:0]@+[164867980269754:0]@+[174723254561:0]=> paste it In comment box,delete ‘+’ symbol & then post it.>You can see what’s her reply….! ♥Lets See What Is Your Ans :D:D

For This Awesome Trick, You Must Know About Some Basics That Are In The Form Of Some Question That Are Also Answred Below In Short But Ok. These All Tags Are Facebook Page Names POr Your Profile Name And When You Enter That Code In Comment There Appears A Facebook Page Or Facebook Profile Name With Link To There Relative Page/Profile…

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How To Get Your Status Code?

For Your Status Code, You Must Have To Formula That Will Convert The Code Into Ther Link To Your Profile/Page And That Is So Simplae As Given Below.
Here Is The Formula…


Just Change This “YourIDCode” With Your ID Code That You Can Fing Through Below…

How To Get ID Code?

The Main Thing Is Your Profile Or Page ID Code That Will Help You In Many Tricks Also So For This Trick, We Just Create Another Article That Will Fully Explained You Step By Step That Ho To Fetch It And Use It, Just Click The Following Link To Move There…

CLICK HERE TO Get Your Profile Or Page ID Code

How To Put On Your Facebook Profile?

Here You Get Your Link Code(Tag Yourself) For Your Facebook.
Copy Paste Your Link Code To Facebook Status Or Comment And Press Enter.
Your Link Code Can Be Create From Above Described Formula And After Editing That Will Be Like Upper One.

How To Send To Your Facebook Friend?

If You Want To Share It With Your Friends Then You Can’t Share It Directly Because It Will Converted Into A Link To Your Profile And Visitor Can’t Use This To Tag You Again In There Status/Photo/Video. Just Type Some Text Like The Following Message To Status Or Comment Or Message…

1.) Copy This Lines :-
2.) Paste on the Comment or Status Field,
3.) Cut off the +,
4.) Press “Enter”,
5.) Done.


If You Still Did Not Get, How To Get Facebook ID Code, Have Problem Or Quries, Just Send A Msg To Our FanePage, Our Write A Status On Our FanPage At EXEIdeas FanPage Because Comments Are Closed Now.

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10 New Facebook Timeline Covers

Facebook HOT Tricks:

If You Are Facebook User, Then Your Should Learn About This Tricks Also…
1.)Get Free Likes On Your Facebook Status Or Pic Now
2.)How To Write Facebook Post With Different Tag Or “See More” Link?
3.)FaceBook Profile/Page ID-Code Finder Online Tool

***Receiving This Symbol � While Using This Trick To Tag Because Facebook Banned This Trick For Desktop User, This Is Available For Mobile User Only, If You Want This On PC Then Open Facebook With Then Use This Trick***

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270 Responses to “How To Write Numeric Code Of Facebook Page Profile For Facebook?”

  1. EXEIdeas says:

    If You Like This Then Comment……

  2. Anonymous says:


  3. Anonymous says:

    thanks a lot yr…i named my fan page nd was searching about these codes how to get it..
    reallu u solved my problm..thanks a lot again 🙂

  4. Parth Savani says:

    Thank You so much 🙂

  5. Cool Post bro.Thanks

  6. can i change (:0) to (:p) at the end of the code?

  7. Ayleth Palma says:

    debo de tener algun tiempo con mi pagina..??

  8. Anonymous says:

    Thanks alot dude
    Təşəkkürlər 🙂

  9. Pranjal says:

    Can we make codes for simple text also, instead of using links?

  10. Anonymous says:

    i still dont get it :/

  11. Anonymous says:

    try this @[7709052329:0] and you’ll know what i like 😀

  12. Anonymous says:

    thank you so much… its amazing… it’s so easy

  13. Anonymous says:

    thanks a lot, that information was really helpful!

  14. techie20 says:

    tnks a lotttttttt

  15. mark anthony says:

    Your blogs and every separate material are so remarkable and lucrative it makes me come back most again.
    funny phrase

  16. Anonymous says:

    code nahi milraha my page

  17. Sohaib Ahmed says:

    This is really really really helpful Thanx alot!!!

  18. Angela Asante says:

    Thank you so much! It worked!!! Thank you Muhammad Hassan!

    My page is called Love LIFE. Are you on Facebook, Muhammad?


  19. Anonymous says:

    @+[207820472647874:0] This Is my page….How To Create New Cp?

  20. Anonymous says:

    my page code is dis

    when i put dis it put 0

  21. Anonymous says:

    Hey thanks for this helpful tips! Much appreciated!!! However, i was wondering how to link images with those codes, because I see a lot of these pages that paste those codes and then it turns into an image, and when you click on the image, it takes you to their page. I”ll be expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.

    Thanks again 🙂 Ohh, my page is @+[159167847528083:0] 🙂

    • EXEIdeas says:

      You Are Welcome, For Linked Images, You Have To Paste Your Page URL In Status And Press [SHIFT+ENTER] Wait For A Moment, There Appear A Image That Is Your Page Profile Pic, The Remove Your Page URL From The Status, The Press “Post”.
      Did You Mean This Or Else…???

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh that wasn”t what I meant.. I meant that to post an image(not really a photo) along with the link/code so that every part of the “image” links to the page, just like the code itself does. It is simply the link, but in the form of an image

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Can I See The Demo Link…???

    • Anonymous says:

      i have seen that,its not an image actually…is a symbol of any kind, a star,a note,a heart…only the symbol sign but it still does the same thing instead of having your page name.if u know how to do please answer..thanks in advance

  22. Mudassir says:


  23. Aashir Raj says:


  24. Anonymous says:

    Thanks a lot Hassan 🙂

  25. Anonymous says:

    It’s not working, it’s coming up with an error. Help?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Many pages share different pages by showing a see more link. We think that we have to click that to read more but when we click a new page opens up. How to do that?

  27. Anonymous says:

    thanks a lot buddy.. my page

  28. sean minaj says:

    i did the graph one, but it goes straight to my page it doesnt show my id what do i do now?

  29. Anonymous says:

    @[ 393752760683047 :0] Plz like n share … ur post is so helpful..thanx 🙂

  30. Anonymous says:

    Thanx 4 dat 1…so hw do i make dat code to be short nd not in a link… Like da 1 of Mark Zuckerberg=@[5:0] ??

  31. Kartik Pandya says:

    superbb superb.. Dude.. Thankuu.. 😀

  32. Anonymous says:

    Hey My Friend . Can You Please Tell Me My facebook page code,.

    Here is The URL …

  33. Anonymous says:

    hey 🙂 can you tell me my page code? i’m sorry but it doesn’t show 🙁

  34. Anonymous says:

    anyone tell me the code for my profile link –

  35. Shane Bañez says:

    Anung ID?

  36. EXEIdeas says:

    Thanks, Your Blog Is Awesome, Just Make It Quicker To Load…

  37. Anonymous says:

    How to make this link redirect to another page.
    Eg: In a comment i saw “see more”
    when i clicked that link it was redirected to another page.
    How to create such codes .. ?

  38. Anonymous says:

    @[Your ID Code:0] @@[0:[Your ID Code:1:Your Text]]

    thank you,this is helpfull
    i wonder if somehow can skip this @[Your ID Code:0] and have the text as link.because when i type all the code i see my name and the text which leads tothe same link.i would like o tell me how i can have only the secong part of this code because i tried and couldnt make it work without first part.thank you

  39. Anonymous says:

    Thanks s00000 much @ [161066887322268:0]
    i got mi pg code

  40. shojib khan says:

    can u help me . that wow people add on page link in a different word or sentence ??????

    please see this=

  41. shojib khan says:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH brother ……….. u are doing great … keep it up… 🙂
    if i need more help in future i will come to you . will u help me . ? 🙂

  42. Resham Panth says:

    thnx a lot buddy 😛

  43. Raheel Farooq Haraj says:

    Great idea, man. It’s good to see that you care to keep in touch with your commentators. Thanks for the trick, by the way!

  44. abhay says:

    how can i make my id like :
    “ronaldo ||||||||||| 40%
    messi ||||||||||||||||| 60%
    click on ronaldo to help him to win”
    therefore when we click on both messi and ronaldo,we get the same page..!

  45. Fahad hassan says:

    its my page code


    explain how i written!

  46. adrian lucernas says:

    nice tips dude,,big help for me..thanks..100% working..
    BLOGGER HEROE,Tips and Tricks For Blogger,widgets,Templates

  47. Dylan Mamonda says:

    Hey dude i need help wit ma code here’s ma user name dylan.mamonda/….thnks dude u rock

  48. Cerisse Gaveria says:

    it really helps! thanks!

  49. Cerisse Gaveria says:

    but i have a question, how can i make a comment/message that is blue font , but it directs to my page,. whats the formula? i already got my ID, here @[117098395027178:0] but where do i have to insert the message??? pls answer. thanks a lot Sir.

  50. Vishal Thakkar says:

    367558786672253 how can i write caption of that code???

  51. suhail peer says:

    sir my page is & i am not geting its code how i can get its code. plz inf me.

  52. victoria says:

    Im confused, and still can get my code.. Help? thanks

  53. Bahaa Frihat says:

    how can put my profile code , in fan page post not comment

  54. Bahaa Frihat says:

    this is link for my account < >

    this is my page, in this fan page code not working ,

  55. Anonymous says:

    please like this friends… @[458082514202345:0] and thank you Muhammad Hassan

  56. Anonymous says:

    Hi, great idea. Whats my ID.

  57. ashok bishnoi says:

    Sir mujhe mere page ka numric code janna hai btao
    @[my page code]
    mera page hai

  58. Rahul Sarraf says:
    my profile iska code bhi btaiye

  59. Steamer's Carpet Care says:

    Hello.This article was extremely interesting, particularly since I was browsing for thoughts on this topic last Friday.

  60. home page says:

    You made several good points there. I did a search on the topic and found mainly people will consent with your blog.

  61. Anonymous says:

    my facebook group id

    what is my group code…

  62. Anonymous says:

    sir , can I use my alternate name ? and how am I suppose to do it

  63. Anonymous says: what is the code for this page…..

  64. Anonymous says:

    thankuuuu shooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhh

  65. Vishal Patel says:
    what is the code for this page….

  66. Anonymous says: what is the code for this page …?

  67. Anonymous says:

    unable to get code…
    pls help…..

    @[ 404399172974452 :0]

  68. King of Love & Friends Shayari World says:

    Please Give me Numeric Code

  69. Anonymous says:

    How Much Numbers Do We Have To put for the code?!

  70. Ve Tot says:

    Very good @[440230476039181:Epic Change].

  71. Anonymous says:


  72. Anonymous says: this is my page url but where is ID code

  73. mohit sharma says:

    this is my page url but where is id code

  74. Anonymous says:

    bro how to change the name that appears and when we click on it . it will goes to my page how is it plz tell me

  75. Anonymous says:

    jab mai mera code comment me dalta hu to ‘mera pyara bharat’ likh kar aata hai jabki mera user name ‘pyara bharat’ hai aur mera profile name ‘प्रदीप यादव’ hai……..


    ” i d ” : ” 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 5 5 6 6 ” ,
    ” n ame ” : ” Me r a P y a r a B h a r a t ” ,
    ” f i r s t _ n ame ” : ” Me r a ” ,
    ” m i d d l e _ n ame ” : ” P y a r a ” ,
    ” l a s t _ n ame ” : ” B h a r a t ” ,
    ” l i n k ” : ” h t t p : / /www . f a c e b o o k . c om/ p y a r a b h a r a t ” ,
    ” u s e r n ame ” : ” p y a r a b h a r a t ” ,
    ” g e n d e r ” : ” ma l e ” ,
    ” l o c a l e ” : ” e n _ G B ” }

  76. 3V Business Solutions says:

    What’s the big deal, what is the difference between this code and simply tagging a page or a person? …

  77. Aoa main ne apne page ka code bana hai

    yeh mera page link hai
    main is page ka code kaise baon please hlep me

  78. DVD printing says:

    Your blog provided us valuable information to work on. You have done a marvellous job! Please keep on posting such quality articles,

  79. Anonymous says:

    how we can do this as admin did in his status??

  80. Firdous Champ says:

    I don’t recive code

    plz give me code of this page

  81. Ayaz Asmat says:

    shittttttttttt @( i found my code @+[187095991427123 :0] so wht ll i do with it now?i tried removing ‘+’ from it and paste it..nothing happened..what ll i do wth this @#$% code?

  82. Anonymous says:

    how to mention a whole text as page link. Means If anyone click on text then page shall be open.

  83. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much! This works!

  84. Anonymous says:

    i was talking about .. ||||||| dis type of code

  85. CD Printing says:

    Hi you are doing a great job. I was looking for this information. I found it on your page its really amazing. I am sure that these are your own views. I hear exactly what you’re saying and I’m so happy that I came across your blog.

  86. Anonymous says:

    Umm can you do it? Im worthless 😀

    • EXEIdeas says:

      These All Are Some Profiles Name, By This Formula, They Only Get There Name But Not The Link So They Will Not Be Notified Of Be Tagging…

  87. Cinque King says:

    If we have same last 3 number which name will facebook choose? Is any possibility to manipulate that?

  88. Luqman Khan says:

    Hi, sir assalam o alaikum! Kya page mobile se bhi ban sakta hai ?

  89. Anonymous says:

    Can Please Any One Tell Me Page Code

  90. Cinque King says:

    Can U help me with this. My FB link for my page have code (, but i want my link look like this: Without code. Is that posible?

    • EXEIdeas says:

      For This, You Have To Open The Below Link After Loging In Your Facebook Account And Add Your Desired URL Neame In “Username” Section…
      Be-Sure That You Can Edit In Only Once…
      Change Your Facebook Page URL

  91. Anonymous says:

    Mujhe Apne Face Id Ka Code Kaise Milega

    mene Username Bana Liya Par Iwant Code..

  92. Anonymous says:

    Hmmmm I need help,
    I in competition,so ppl who want to like my pic,need to follow one person and then can find my pic and klick like…
    How to make likes?
    I would realy be appreciate for help.

  93. Zeeshan says:

    Nice way to get code of your page, thanks

  94. How can i make code for my group.?/ Please help me..

  95. sean minaj says:

    how to make a continue reading link that goes to a page

  96. Anonymous says:

    plz give me my page’s code! 🙂

    thank alot! 🙂

  97. Anonymous says:

    Brother I got this ID code for my profile named MOHSIN HASAN MUMTAZ


    But When I paste it on my own page after any status, so just my name appears like MOHSIN HASAN MUMTAZ but no link is there to go in my profile. Please help. Jazakallahu Khairan

  98. Anonymous says:

    Why is there a question mark in a black diamond shape box when I add my code? I have been adding my code with no problem or quite awhile

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Facebook Banned This Trick For Desktop User, This Is Available For Mobile User Only, If You Want This On PC Then Open Facebook With

  99. Vikram Renukuntha says:

    code is not working :/

  100. shani deshwal says:

    hello sir
    my page is and my page code is @[1507324849484677:]

    i want a code which show another name/word to the people on fb.but then they will click on that word, my page should be open.

    a code is available like as @@[[1507324849484677:exeideas]]
    it means u will see exeideas with blue color.but when u will click on exeideas then u will see my fb page.

    plz reply me

  101. saheb says:

    Supose I have gave a word in my timline..but
    When any one will clicking on the word how he will open my page
    I have see that there r many friends on fb
    Who giving a post and in the last there is a word on d last of d page “see more” in green colour and when I click on the word, his page open
    What to do plz hlp me

  102. mehul says:

    How i search my id code

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