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Get Free 3000+ Backlinks And Auto Ping From Reputed Sites

Get Free 3000+ Backlinks And Auto Ping From Reputed Sites

After my previous article about High PR .edu Site and High PageRank BackLink Sites, I am here with a new Website. IMT Website Submitter submits your website/blog to 3,000+ different places. All these 3,000+ websites are manly “who is”, “about us”, “website statistic”, etc. type of services.

1.) What Is IMT Submitter?

The IMT Website Submitter is a tool that claims to give you over 3000+ backlinks at the push of a button. I have found that some of the websites that it submits to are no longer valid, but I am confident that you will get more than a thousand backlinks using this tool. These are not high PR backlinks, but they will allow your website to get indexed fast and regularly.

2.) What The Submitter Do?

This script creates pages about your website/blog on everyone of these websites, resulting in about 3,000+ different pages with backlinks pointing back to your website. Yes some of them are no-follow and some of them are do-follow, but bottom line is that these are well established websites regularly crawled by Google and other SE, so your pages and backlinks on those websites will be found and your website/blog will get backlinks and will be visited and indexed more frequently by Googlebot and mainly other search engine bots like Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, etc.

3.) What Type Of Backlinks You Will Receive?

The links generated by this tool are not normal backlinks. The tool will create pages on some popular whois or server information websites. Google visits these sites very often, but the quality of backlinks may not be that good because these are not high Page Rank websites but you will get a decent number of backlinks to boost your site rankings.

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4.) How To Use It?:

1. You need to go to IMT Website Submiter.

2. Scroll down and you will see a form asking your website URL for which you want backlinks. You can also provide keywords for your website and number of backlinks you need.  I chose all of them, but you can choose from 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, or 3005.

3. After filling up your information just click the “Submit” button and you will start receiving backlinks for your site. The process will take time heavy time count in hours, so be patient and let your site rankings increase.


5.) Any Precaution?

Currently this tool only works with top level domain, also can work for subdomains and Web 2.0 propeties, but not with deep links. Every page created by this tool is pinged, also you can limit the number of pages you wish to create with this tool in the single run. But be careful with it considering new penguin update and google natural link appearance preference.

Don’t Forget To Get HOT Backlinks Also
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46 Responses to “Get Free 3000+ Backlinks And Auto Ping From Reputed Sites”

  1. Jay Ryan Macabato says:

    Great post…

    Thank you for posting this tips.
    I really need it to get more backlinks.
    I hope this could help me.

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  2. News Watcher Stream Online says:

    Thank you sir this is so very helpful for my blog… 🙂

  3. candycardinal says:

    thanks for sharing..big help for my website

  4. Schneider Elevator says:

    I am going through a real bad condition where I can’t getting high pr I am looking this one as good opportunity which gets me a high pr thanks for the great post

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    a High pr,hope soon search will over.

  6. kasser says:

    good and nice post…

    Thanks & regards

  7. hugo says:

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  10. Salam says:

    Thanks admin. Nice Information. I wish your success.

  11. fadli says:

    I always useing this site ( ) for give backlink to my new blog. I thinks that’s give more effect and very use full for a new blog

  12. Om Jin says:

    Thanks to the admin wants to share his knowledge to our success always for you.

  13. Md. Ashikuzzaman says:

    Nice posting I want to generate backlink of my sites you very much for inform me about IMTALK.It is great.

  14. serial fat says:

    this is very useful information for the boogers and other domain owners. because of they can optimize there own domain page rank and back links.
    this is very good job..i appreciate this.

  15. Ariful Haque says:

    I am using this software and ping my site but can not proper benefited….is it working or not because google penguine is there…

    • EXEIdeas says:

      This Will Surely Help You Out But Will Require A Time. Yes, Google Will Leave To Count Some Link From It But It Will Increase Your Total Link Count Too..

  16. lowongan kerja terbaru says:

    whether it should wait until after 3000 link? what if my internet disconnects frequently …

  17. thanks for share with me and other people

  18. Nikhil says:

    Thank you very Much for your awesome article.
    Actually i was searching for the Same since last 20 Days and then finally find your page.

    Thanks a lot.
    And Please advice me 1 thing that these Backlink Can give a Update to Our Blog or Not. (As per your Experience.)

  19. Nitin Pahwa says:

    Is it safe to get backlinks from these type of sites?

    Will Google consider these backlinks?

  20. adem says:

    thanks very much , feels happy to listen to some exciting personality with a such a nice heart to help people and indeed help himself in return.
    Congrats for your present success & all the very best for your future ..

  21. dhanunjai says:

    are these kind of tricks work i.e i dont know about these and hence asking.

  22. shrijon ghosh says:

    this is very useful information for the boogers and other domain owners. Thank You for sharing this. I wish your success.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks for reading this article. Yes, We will cover that topic too.

  23. shrijon ghosh says:

    Thank You for sharing this. I wish your success.

    • EXEIdeas says:

      Welcome here and thanks for reading our article and sharing your view. This will be very helpful to us to let us motivate to provide you more awesome and valuable content from a different mind. Thanks for reading this article. Yes, We will cover that topic too.

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