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EXEIdeas – Let's Your Mind Rock » FaceBook / FaceBook Tips / FaceBook Tricks » How To Export Facebook Friend’s Mobile Numbers & E-Mail Address

How To Export Facebook Friend’s Mobile Numbers & E-Mail Address

Hi guys, today I want to tell you about “How to download Facebook friend’s mobile number”. Now a day’s facebook is the only single window place where we can get entire updates and contact details (email address, mobile number etc) about our friends. Every one wants to import their facebook friends to some other social network / website. Yesterday I was trying to download my all friends email address and mobile numbers. While googling I found a new Google Chrome Extension to achieve this task.

Facebook Friends Exporter

This “Facebook Friend Exporter” is the easiest and the fastest way to download all facebook friends contact details. Here are the steps to download your facebook friends contact details:
  1. Install this free open Source Extension (Facebook Friend Exporter) in your Google Chrome Browser.
  2. Now open login to your account.
  3. Go to your
  4. Now click on “Export Friends” (this option will come only if you installed Facebook Friend Exporter properly)
    Export Friends
  5. Here you will get a new window In which it will scan your all friends details. After few seconds this screen will appear.
    Facebook Friend Exporter
  6. Now Click on “let’s Start”, and wait for few minutes. (It can take 2-3 minutes for your first 50 friends)
If you want to download more the 50 users contact details then you have to wait for 1 hour because facebook dont allow more the 60 friends profile visit in 1 hour. This extension will stops automatically after each 50 friends download, so now you can wait for one hour and then you can download next 50 friends contact details.
Download Link:
I hope this information will help you to export your facebook friends contact details (Email address, Mobile Number, Website/Blog Etc).

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RIP Facebook Friend Exporter Chrome Extension

Since It’s Report Absued By Facebook To Google, It’s Acctually Removed By Google, Just Read The Full Story On Devolper Google+ Profile Status At Here.

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4 Responses to “How To Export Facebook Friend’s Mobile Numbers & E-Mail Address”

  1. shojib khan says:

    will it work for those who hav hiden their e-mail add or mobile number ??

  2. Anonymous says:

    Dosent work anymore

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