– +Everything:This extension adds the Google+ bar to all websites.
– +1 Button: Plus one every page you like with only one click, directly from omnibox, without any annoying popup
– Color Bar Changer: Changes color of Google Plus bar to green, pink or blue.Warning!: Unofficial, proceed with caution.
– Comment Toggle: Allows you to hide/show comments on Google+
– Extended Share for Google Plus: Share Google Plus posts on Facebook & Twitter
-Facebook Friend Exporter: Export your friends’ contact info from Facebook so you can import them into Google+ NOW BLOCKED BY FACEBOOK
– Facebook Like for Google Plus: Not exactly sure what this does but here’s the Google Translate version of this Chinese app description “Facebook more praise by praise ? painless transfer of Google Plus , the future of this product will continue to introduce more painless transfer function.”
– G+ Count in Title: Add Google+ notifications to your browser tab.
– G+ Extended: Additional shortcuts for G+. Including +1 (+), share (s) and expand comments (e).
– Google+ Filter Kynetex App: Filter out foul language, animated GIFs, etc from your G+ stream. Warning!:Unofficial, proceed with caution.
– G+ Lite: Google plus lite helps you to access google’s new social networking google plus in lite mode. Its really easy to use this lite version. Whatever that means.
– G+ Me: enables you to collapse and expand a string of comments: Warning!:Unofficial, proceed with caution.
-G+ Stream Pause: — Pauses your G+ stream
– Google CSS Tricks Chrome Extension to pin the top of your G+ nav bar to the top of the browser screen as you scroll. Very Cool! Update: Google rolled out their own version of this the week of August 15th then rolled it back due to bugs. Should be back out soon.
– Google Minus: This extension will notify you each time someone removes you from their circles. Warning!: Unofficial, proceed with caution.
– Google+ : Facebook: Make Google Plu look like Facebook. Classic. Warning!: Unofficial, proceed with caution.
– Google Plus HIde Comments: adds a Hide Comments or Show Comments link on each post (via Micah Wittman)
– GooglePlus Plus Hide Images: Hides the image on original post and all shared posts. Tired of an animated GIF that keeps getting shared over and over in different posts? — hide it once an forget about it. (via Micah Wittman)
– GooglePlus Plus Hide Sidebars: adds a feature to hide/show left and right side bars, and makes the main content wider. (via Micah Wittman)
– GooglePlus Plus Search With Google: Search Google Plu with the Google search engine using the site: filter. (via Micah Wittman)
– Google Plus Safari Extension: a Safari Extension to give your G+ notification counts as a badge over a button in the toolbar. Warning!: Unofficial, proceed with caution.
– Google Plus Search: Search Google+ public postings and profiles. Warning!:Unofficial, proceed with caution.
– Google Plus Tweakss: Tweaks to the layout and features of Google+ (Google “Plus”) Full width, thumbnails only, etc. (by Jerome Dane) Note: report of some issues with Google+ Tweaks
– Google+Tweet: integrates a full featured twitter client inside your Google Plus Account. Warning!: Unofficial, proceed with caution.
– The Google Plus Unofficial Chrome App: Appears to allow G+ functionality from a browser bar Warning!: Unofficial, proceed with caution.
– Hangout Auto Retry Again: Tired of clicking the try again button for Hangouts? Then install this (by Mohamed Mansour)
– Helper for Google+: Share G+ posts on Twitter and translate them with Google Translate. Nice.
– Hide Google Plus Notification: Simple extension to hide the little red Google Plus notification from the global google header toolbar.
– Liquid G+: Add a two or three column Google+ display(depending on your screen resolution) (hat tip to Cliff Wade) Warning!: Unofficial, proceed with caution.
– Notification Count for Google Plus: Extension for displaying unread notification count for Google Plus
– +PhotoZoom: Easily zoom photos and profile pics from your Google Plus Stream.
– Plus Minus and Usability Boost: The Google/Notification bar stays at a fixed position on top. Displays a direct link to mute post.
– Replies and More: Adds reply and reply-to-author buttons to Google+ comments
– Scroll To Top Button: Adds a scroll to top or bottom button for quick page navigation. (h/t Donna Fontenot)
– StartGooglePlus: Integrates facebook & twitter feeds and puts them on the sidebar. Warning!: Unofficial, proceed with caution.
– Surplus: Allows users to easily access their Google+ notifications and compose new posts from anywhere on the Web. So, this extension lets you read, comment and share without having to be on the Google domain.
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