Found 16 Search results for the term "strives".

ECommerce Startups Failure: What Exactly Is The Reason?

In the world of new businesses mushrooming every day, eCommerce business is easy to start but hard to survive. This can be seen from research by Failory which says if 15 startups fail due to competiti...

How To Partner Up For A Successful Marketing Campaign?

You have probably heard the old saying, “Two heads are better than one”. This idea generally refers to what can be accomplished when two people put their heads together to solve a problem or achie...

7 Tricks That Will Help Small Business Owners To Design A Website

Running a business without an online presence is something that is not profitable and rare in the modern-day era of e-commerce. You can run your business staying offline however, you would miss on tha...

Effective Ways To Measure Your Mobile App Marketing Performance

It is famously said, “what gets measured gets improved.” As a mobile marketer, you put in a lot of efforts and consistency to make your mobile application go viral. App marketing is like any other...

Legal Advice: How Your Business Can Benefit From Corporate Law

“Corporate law” is a common term that involves all sorts of aspects that relate to everything from shares that can be transferred to limited liability. This kind of law involves any and all indivi...

4 Digital Tactics To Empower Your Sales Team

Your sales team is one of the most important facets of your business. Without new sales, your company will not succeed. It really is as simple as that. The sales team needs to help foster return custo...

Top 10 Responsive Website Design Provider Of 2015

It’s high time for all businessmen to roll up their sleeves and go mobile! Yes you actually took it right… “Being Mobile” is in trend. If you are a techno-enthusiast & have keen intere...