Found 225 Search results for the term "protect people".

Protect Your Smartphone Against The New Era Threats

The invention of the telephone was a big turn in human communication patterns, but that was just a start. After that, we had a wireless mobile phone for calling with addon features like the message, a...

Is Technology That Track Employees Protect Company Reputation?

Over the years, employee tracking has become more common than ever. A growing number of companies and employers are using different options to track the employees. It started with video surveillance a...

The Role Of Telecom Security In Protecting Your Phones And Devices

The New York Times wrote an article about a company who got a $166,000 phone bill in the period of two days. This was alarming for the owners of the company and after loads of research, the company’...

Top 10 Most Dangerous Things People Do With Their Smartphone – Infographics

Smartphones are valuable gadgets, and they need to be handled carefully. With the amount of sensitive information the smartphones hold, we need to go extra mile to protect them. To fulfill the extra p...

Credit Card Fraud Stats – Protect Yourself from Being Scammed

Individuals in the United States commonly use credit cards nowadays. Many people prefer using them to cash. It’s not surprising that hackers work harder to find ways on how to steal credit cards...

Are You Sure Your Organization Is Protected From Cyber Attacks?

Like any other person, you like to think that you have taken the necessary precautions and are immune to cyber attacks. Think again. With nearly one million malware threats in a day, it shouldn’t co...

3 Ways To Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft

Identity theft is an unfortunate reality for most of us in the world today. According to a report released in September, 2015 by the Bureau of Justice Statistics: 6 million Americans suffered identity...