You Are Viewing Posts Under Category: WordPress Plugin

How To Clean Up And Boost WordPress DataBase And Tables?
December 28th, 2014 | 2 Comments | WordPress / WordPress Plugin | WordPress blog totally depend upon DataBase and Table in MySQL so if you will overload it then it will take down you blog loading time that can leave bad effect on SEO too and sometime shared hosting account got terminated. So you have to keep your DataBase light weight and optimize to run and respo...
How To Add Some HTML/Text In Your WordPress RSS Feed Footer?
September 8th, 2014 | 0 Comments | WordPress / WordPress Plugin | WordPress comes with a handy features and Feed is also a common feature in blogging CMS. So visitor cant not open every blog daily so they subscribe there RSS Feed and read all different blogs from there one dashboard or email. That Feed only contain post by default but what if you want to send [&he...
For Newbies: How To Backup Your WordPress Blog Easily?
August 6th, 2014 | 0 Comments | WordPress / WordPress Plugin / WordPress Tips | As you know that none of the WordPress blog in 100% secure because its an open source and anythim hackers can hack your blog so you don’t have to think more about your security and instead of this you have to think about its after shocks. Now if you will have you WordPress blog complete [&hell...
For Newbies: How To Add .html In WordPress Page Permalink?
July 20th, 2014 | 2 Comments | WordPress / WordPress Plugin / WordPress Tips | As we previously shared a tutorial about How To Add .html In WordPress Posts Permalink?, here we started receiving many request to share the tutorial about How to add .html in WordPress pages. WordPress default pages permalinks are and cant be customize like post permalink t...
Blogger Importer Plugin: How To Imports All Tags And Attributes?
June 26th, 2014 | 2 Comments | WordPress / WordPress Plugin | Blogger To WordPress migration is a need now and highly risky thing to do also. Your slight mistake can lead your blog to zero and then you have to start from new. So we strongly recommend to do that we are sharing to save your previous time and work and don’t loose anything that you […...
Blogger Importer Plugin: How To Stop Importing Images And Links?
June 24th, 2014 | 4 Comments | WordPress / WordPress Plugin | Blogger To WordPress migration is very common and also a very important and highly risky thing to do. A slight mistake can make your blog zero from hero. So we strongly recommend to do some tweaks to save your past work and don’t loose anything that you have from visitors to backlinks, SEO to ...