You Are Viewing Posts Under Category: PC Tips


Count All Lines Of Codes, Characters, Words In A Directory Recursively On Windows

I’d like a quick way to determine the number of lines in all of the files in a directory tree, for files of a given extension. Is there any good out of the box way to do this? There are many built-in commands in Linux, Bash, Unix but what’s in Windows? We are sure that […]...

How To Speed Up Outlook 2016 On Windows 7?

Many Outlook users want to get rid of the slow process of Outlook and want to speed up Outlook 2016. If you are one of them and want to increase the speed of your Outlook. Then, this article will be proved as a useful guide that will assist the users to perform the whole process. […]...

How To Increase The Outlook Mailbox Size Limit Manually?

Yes!! You read it right. This is the perfect spot for users that are looking to increase Outlook mailbox size limit. Before we move to the solutions, Do you know the size limits of the Outlook mailbox? I knew it! That is why I had covered all the necessary information related to this topic. In [&hel...

A Simple Guide And Most Common RegEx Usage With Notepad++

Searching a string using the ‘Find‘ or ‘Find & Replace‘ function in text editors highlights the relevant match (e.g. searching ‘le‘ highlights it inside words such as ‘apple‘, ‘please’ etc). However, some advanced editors such as Notepad++ (I mention Notepad++ in my examples ...

How To Recover Unsaved Photoshop File And Recover Deleted PSD Files?

In this blog, we will mention the DIY tricks to solve the query ‘How to recover unsaved photoshop file’. The situation occurs when a Photoshop application accidentally crashes due to human errors, technical defaults, and results in missing files. It was announced recently that photoshop versions...

Word Document Won’t Open In The Program You Expect [SOLVED]

Your Word document won’t open? No matter what you do? If yes, then you landed on the right page as I will explain this whole procedure with details. So shall we start? Microsoft Word is one of the most crucial applications which is often used by most of the users. It mainly contains crucial in...

7 Major Differences Between Pigment And Dye Based Ink Cartridges

Whenever you go to buy ink cartridges, it’s important to know the basic difference between pigments and dye-based ink cartridges. After all, it’s a matter of printing high-quality documents with no fade or smudges. There’s no wonder that you are knowing the difference and specification...