You Are Viewing Posts Under Category: PC Development

Why You Might Need To Try New PCB Software?
September 20th, 2018 | 0 Comments | Information Technology / PC / PC Development | The key to a robust and effective PCB all comes back to the design stages. Get this wrong and you fail in terms of the reliability of your designed item. Designers have a really tough job nowadays to try and get the voice of their customer crystal clear and embedded into their design somehow. ...
5 Vital Software Testing Steps That Engineers Should Not Overlook
August 2nd, 2018 | 0 Comments | PC / PC Development | Over the years, the process of software testing has evolved a lot. Nowadays, most engineers have embraced new methods that include testing software while it is still in the development phase. Such methods have definitely opened up new automation possibilities and eased the process of testing. Despit...