You Are Viewing Posts Under Category: JavaScript Codes


Touch Swipe Direction Detection Using Pure JavaScript

A simple touchscreen gesture recognition in pure JavaScript for single-cursor swipe up, down, left, and right touch swipe detection. It is helpful for swiping to reveal/conceal menus (swipe on or wipe left/right to control slideshow position. Use the Mobile screen to check this. There are ...

Pure Vanilla JavaScript Base Animated Count Down Counter

The Counter JS is a lightweight JavaScript plugin to create an animated number counter. It uses the requestAnimationFrame() method to perform counting animation on given numbers. You need to pass the selector, starting & ending number, and duration of animation inside the function arguments and...

Flipbook Book Slider With Manual Control Using Pure Vanilla JavaScript

This Vanilla JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a flipbook image slider. It comes with the next and previous buttons to slide the images with a page-flipping animation. You just need to add your images (as background) inside the back and front container then this code will automatically ren...

How To Add Password Eye Icon In Password Input Form Field?

This Vanilla JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a password visibility eye icon toggle button to show/hide passwords. It gets the password input field and changes its type from password to text to show the entered password. The snippet uses Font Awesome eye icon inside the password input fie...

Pure Vanilla JavaScript HEX Code Color Wheel Picker

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a color wheel picker. It renders a color wheel along with color plates and a color tune slider. Users can easily pick any color and copy the hex code for the color. This color picker is purely built with JavaScript without using any library. You can i...

Pure Vanilla JavaScript Responsive Image Slider With Text Over It

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a responsive image slider with text. It renders a dynamic image carousel with a title, subtitle, background URL, and call to action link in each slide’s template. The image slider comes with arrow buttons to navigate the next and previous images wit...

Pure Vanilla JavaScript Stop Watch With Controls In Milliseconds

This Vanilla JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a stopwatch with real-time updating seconds and milliseconds. It comes with three buttons to start, stop and reset the stopwatch. The code is based on a simple idea to convert milliseconds to seconds using a timer function. There are many code...