You Are Viewing Posts Under Category: JavaScript Codes


Simple Customizable Toast Notification In Vanilla JavaScript

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a simple toast notification. It allows you to display various types of alerts including success, warning, and danger with predefined themes. The styles and notifications can be customized according to your needs. The toast can be triggered with any ev...

Pure Vanilla JavaScript Custom Form Validation In HTML Forms

This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a form validation feature on the form submission. It validates username, email, and password and displays the inline error message in case of invalid input. You can integrate this vanilla JavaScript code for registration/signup forms to validate input...

Pure Vanilla JavaScript Carousel Slider With Navigation Control

This pure JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a carousel slider. It comes with arrow navigation to smoothly navigate the next and previous images. Besides this, it uses an interval function to play slides automatically. You can also place content over images and customize the slider with its...

Pure Vanilla JavaScript Image Lightbox With Custom Controls

A simple, lightweight (10kb unminified), and mobile-friendly pure JavaScript lightbox to show images in a popup box with a close button. This vanilla JavaScript lightbox plugin doesn’t require any external framework or library to work. Easy to initialize. Responsive, fully mobile friendly. Debounc...

Drag And Drop Reorder List & DIV Using Pure JavaScript

This lightweight JavaScript code snippet helps you to create drag-and-drop reorder list functionality. It allows you to rearrange any elements within a parent node with a class name “drag-sort-enable” or anything with an event function handleDrag() and handleDrop(). This code snippet doe...

Emoji Picker For HTML Input Field Using Pure Vanilla JavaScript

Picmo (formerly Emoji Button) is a pure JS emoji picker where the users can quickly search and select emojis from a categorized emoji picker popup. It also provides a Recent Used tab that shows the recently picked emoji. Supports both native emoji and Tweemoji library. Use PicMo to add a rich emoji ...

Export HTML Table Data To Excel (.xls) File Using Vanilla JavaScript

Exporting data to Excel is very useful on the data list for nearly every web application. The export feature helps to download the data list as a file format for offline use. Excel format is ideal for exporting data in a file. Mostly the server-side method is used for exporting data to excel using ...