You Are Viewing Posts Under Category: FaceBook Codes

Latest HD Cool Graphics Facebook Emotion Codes
September 15th, 2012 | 0 Comments | FaceBook / FaceBook Codes | Facebook Emotions are very useful to attract your friends attention toward you.But from many time Facebook don’t introduce new smiles. But today We are going to introduce new Facebook emotions 2012. As we know that social networking site of Facebook is very famous today in all over world to ma...
FaceBook Status Symbols Text Pics
April 14th, 2012 | 6 Comments | FaceBook / FaceBook Codes | There is a huge collection of status images from which you can generate many stylish cartoons or symbols to post as a status in Facebook easily.Now just use the following symbols to design a new status to attract your friends. ★♥░█╗═╔♫✬❤✿°•*© #☻◊▫■○▲●ॐ¦ ...
Facebook Chat Smilies Keyboard Shortcuts
April 3rd, 2012 | 4 Comments | FaceBook / FaceBook Codes | Facebook Emotions: As you might already be aware, Facebook (which is the most used social networking website in the world today) now supports emoticons and smileys following the introduction of its live chat feature.Without further ado, here is a complete list of facebook emoticons and their keyboar...
Facebook Shortcut Keys Symbols For Chat Box
April 2nd, 2012 | 0 Comments | FaceBook / FaceBook Codes | Facebook , the social media is #1 Social media nowadays .75% of the people who use internet use Facebook! So today I’m going to share some shortcut symbols of the facebook. I was spending some time browsing around Facebook today when I noticed that they have some shortcut keys for na...
Facebook Inbuilt Shortcut Keys For All Browsers.
April 2nd, 2012 | 0 Comments | FaceBook / FaceBook Codes | I was spending some time browsing around Facebook today when I noticed that they have some shortcut keys for navigating around the site using the keyboard, so I put together a list for everybody.Note: for each of these shortcut keys, if you’re using Firefox, you’ll need to use Shift+Alt ...
Facebook Chat’s Pics New Codes.
April 2nd, 2012 | 10 Comments | FaceBook / FaceBook Codes | Here is the Facebook Chat’s Pics New Codes.Just Type The Below Codes Into Your Facebook Chat Box And See The Magic.It easy to show reaction to your friend while chatting easily, Just use Chat Pic instead of typing your reaction in detail and save your precious time.The Thumbnail is given ...