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35 Motivational Business Quotes By Living Entrepreneurs

There are so many other motivational business quotes and stories that you could be reading right now; so you may be asking, why should I take the time to read this particular one? This post goes beyond just a compilation of motivational quotes; it includes an Infographic, Image Quotes and Brief Bio of successful entrepreneurs who are still living as at the time of writing this post.

The reason I took the time to make this post unique is because I understand that motivation can be the difference between Success and Failure and I believe that we all carry something in us that may change the world if only we persist. So I want to ask that you do me and other people out there a favour.

If you find this post valuable, then make it VIRAL.

You never know who is on the verge of giving up on his dream right now, this post may just be what he needs to stay put and try one more time. Will you be instrumental in securing that dream?

I’ve made it easy to share this post; just mouse over the images on this post and use the share buttons that will appear to make this post viral. Also, you can copy the embed code of the Infographic below and use on your blog (the embed code is placed immediately before and after the Infographic).

This Infograph is shared here after legal permission from Danewah.

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